This emulation was developed for several German car industry customers. So it is not a 100% complete emulation.

If your jobs are not 100% correct converted to PCL/PDF or printed on your PCL printer, then please send your captured data stream to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The emulation might stop on an unknown found PGL sequence.

ELP offers those emulation settings: Configuration Tab -Rule assistant - check box Printronix PGL Emulation


Command char Have a look into the data stream, you may capture it first. Enter the ASCII number of the character.
Text delimiter char Have a look into the data stream, you may capture it first. Enter the ASCII number of the character.
Horizontal scaling factor Sometimes matrix printers have wider horizontal printing capabilities. It is recommended to set, if possible, the printer to A4 wide printing. And if it is still not enough you may scale it down until it fits on the paper.
Vertical scaling factor Usually matrix paper is longer then A4. You may scale the PCL output down until all fits on the paper.
Positioning way Default setting for the emulation to run in dot or character positioning mode. This is also related to the data stream settings.
Barcode X Scaling Sometimes needed for adapting the X width of the bar codes. This key was included, as we faced different bar code scaling ratios on different types of PGL printers.
PCL Init-Sequences The printer normally can help with the front panel to set the needed values. Like default page size, portrait, landscape, start-up font etc. Isn't it much saver to let this be defined by the emulation? Input can make use of the hex notation
   Edit A nice select editor for the minimum recommended PCL init sequences
Page length Maximum printable page size in PCL, entered in decipoints. 720 units are one inch or 2.54 cm.
Print each form on a separate page For data streams with several forms, ELP does try to match as many forms per page, as space is available. If one form per page is needed, mark this option.
Symbol set (10U) Select the symbol set of the incoming data stream, only needed if you print special characters above ASCII 128, like German Umlaute (öäü).


Additional information:

The emulation needs to be turned on using the key PrintronixEmulation_PGL in one of those rules: GLOBAL, Printer name, User Name, Port name or Driver Name (default is GLOBAL)

Rule assistent  Add key to rule