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Here are the information where to buy a Magic number and turn them it into an IBS license.

IBS CC helps you to enter several the magic numbers / magic keys / PS KEY's and automatically burn the next free number during the license process.
This saves time and eliminates any mistake typing a wrong number in.

Click in the license view on the button "Add numbers..." to reach the right handed windows.

The easiest and fastest method to enter several numbers is the following:

  • Mark the magic numbers in the e-mail, which had been sent out by stethos, listing all purchased magic numbers.
  • Copy them to the clipboard (Crtl + C)
  • Click on the Clipboard button and the numbers will be added.
    A magic number is either 8 or 12 characters long.
    If they are added manually, you can separate them by semicolons.
    Pasting from the clipboard does also ignore semicolons, commas, new lines etc.

Having entered a list, the "Unused?" button checks the internet database of stethos, if all numbers are still unused.

Magic Numbers


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