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This menu offers additional functionality, which have no direct relationship to the main IBS CC (Control Center) purposes of installation, licensing and configuration. The options are listed here:

  • Open license files folder
  • Read files from device
  • News...

Open license files folder

Does open the directory where by default the downloaded license files are stored. The location can be configured in the settings menu.

Read files from device

read back

The read files from device function offers to load back all files from the public part of the device HDD or SD-Card to the PC.

This function works well on devices from other manufacturers. Tests were performed by stethos on some devices from HP, Konica Minolta, Océ, Ricoh, Xerox.

When calling this menu with a selected line in the device table, the IP address of that selected device is taken. In this case you can enter the IP in the top field.

HP devices start with volume 0, which is the hard drive of Ricoh devices.
If there are several drives available continue with 1: and so on. Ricoh SD card is a little different, the volume could be 1: or 2:. Depending upon the model, an SD card plugged into the "second" slot may not get a Volume number from the operating system, so it is not visible.

After the device directory structure has been read back, you may select a file or a whole directory to read its content back to your PC.

On any read back start, please choose a location for the uploaded files.

The read back process may take longer while the process bar flashes, the file counter informs you of the progress. The read back process can be canceled any time. The already loaded files will NOT be deleted. Also, files and directories can be deleted.

IBS News...


On every start IBS Control Center does check if there are any news like:

  • New features
  • Support of new devices
  • General announcements

It is not a hint box because only useful information will be broadcasted. The settings menu offers to turn off the automatic check. If disabled all future messages will only be displayed by using the menu Extras, unless the check is turned on again.

Existing older messages can be viewed using the Previous and Next buttons.

Format HDD

This function is only available in the Install view. The device must be listed there, this ensures that IBS is not installed.
Use this function to wipe the Hard Drive.
Please do not use that function for uninstall IBS.


Reboot device

It reboots the first selected device. Please note for IBS v2 installations that Java and IBS is only started after the device is online again. So it does take some additional time for being fully back to work.

Supported Devices...

The support matrix with search and brand selection function.

The "Export to print" functionality exports the actual view into an HTML file which is automatically displayed by the default Internet Browser and can be printed there.

For easy device search, select your brand and then either sort the colon by clicking in the head row of the colon, or enter the number of the device in the search field. If a device supports IBS v2 (with Java) and IBS v4 (Java-less) there will be 2 lines per model.

Please note that if you do not use the latest version of IBS CC the list you can see in IBS CC most likely outdated. The latest listings e.g. for the Ricoh brand can be seen on the internet following this link.

Uninstall IBS...

This function is described here.


License migration

Licenses can be transferred to a new device under several conditions. The functionality and the conditions are described here.


Manage IBS Control Center logs of single-click installation

Each action incl. the single-click installer is logged in this folder:
Several log files in HTML and TXT (extension .log) format will help you and us (in case you need support) to identify what kind of actions were performed within IBS Control Center. It's all the time a good idea to look into the logs if something goes wrong.

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