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ELP does generate out of any regular data stream a booklet version. Usually 4 printed pages are merged on one sheet of paper with duplex printing. The positioning of the incoming pages is fully automatically, so that a booklet is generated.

For example an 8 page document is printed on 2 sheets of paper like this:

1st sheet front page: Page 8 to the left and page 1 to the right
1st sheet back page: Page 2 to the left and page 7 to the right
2nd sheet front page: Page 6 to the left and page 3 to the right
2nd sheet front page: Page 4 to the left and page 5 to the right

This results in reading the booklet form page 1 to 8


This function needs usually minimum 6 ELP configuration keys! The native keys for booklet printing are:

Booklet_Printing This key turns the function ON. Limitations see link.
Booklet_XMove Offset for the right handed or button positioned documents, front page X direction moves to the right, e.g. for page 1.
Booklet_YMove Offset for the right handed or button positioned documents, front page X direction
Then the ELP_command from the module forms is needed to set the new page sizes and orientation.
EraseAllResetEscE Erases all reset commands. This prevents the printer to through out for example the page one, positioned on the first page to the right, on a new paper sheet.
EraseAllPJL Erases all UEL (Esc%-12345X) and the following PJL commands. This is used to staple copies in 123 123 sort order with one staple together on printers which are not 100% HP compatible

Optional used keys:

Booklet_Staple       Any PJL command for punching and stapling. Note. ET or T ELP_Commands should NOT be used, see description in link
PCL_X_Scaling Horizontal scaling factor for PCL data stream. For example a value of 50 reduces the X size of the print page to 50% of its original size (=100). Note: that function is not guaranteed to work!
PCL_Y_Scaling vertical scaling factor for PCL data stream. For example a value of 50 reduces the Y size of the print page to 50% of its original size (=100). Note: that function is not guaranteed to work!
PCL_ScalingMacros Turned off and PCL_X or PCL_Y_Scaling factors are used, they do not apply in ELP forms, the so called *.mac file

Note: The size of the data stream is by that function doubled! It could take a view seconds until the printer starts to print as he needs to get the complete data stream first to be able to print the last page on the first paper sheet.

Here is an example of usage for printing a booklet of 4 A4 pages on A3 duplexed paper:


; Whatever you need


; turn the Booklet printing ON


; Each right handed page has to be positioned 5953 units to the right. The offset is for A3 paper
; 720 units are 1 inch or 2.54 cm.
; Calculation:
; A4: 29.7 (Page width landscape in cm) / 2 (Center position) / 2.54 (Conversion to inch) * 720 (Conversion to units) = 4209
; A3: 42 (Page width landscape in cm) / 2  (Center position) / 2.54  (Conversion to inch) * 720 (Conversion to units) = 5953


; There is no move in Y direction 


; The ELP command advices ELP to set on the last page (= first page printed) the total page size etc.:
; The C1:9999 command is a dummy command going in theory on page 9999. That page should never be reached for booklet printing
; So ELP take that following command to be printed on the first printed page, which is the left hand printed last dividable by 4 page.
; So if the document has 5,6,7, or 8 pages, that command goes right in front of page 8, which is first printed to the left.
; It is mandatory to set on the first printed page all needed paper options, in order to prevent the printer feeding the page out on
; any page command. See here for further details.
; Usually it is the Paper size (A27 = DIN A3, I1 = Plain paper media, S2 = Duplexing, D1 = Orientation is landscape)
; You may add here also out tray commands.
; Finally the PL and PS do remove all possible available offset commands in the data stream, which SHOULD NOT BE THERE AT ALL!
; It might then result in a wrong printed page, but this is better then resulting into totally unreadable pages.


; Remove all reset sequences to avoid for example to feed the first (1) right hand positioned page.


; Remove the complete Job initialization to let ELP set the needed ones.


; Optional:
; A command for Canon devices to punch 2 stitches in the middle of the printed booklet.



Here is an example of usage for printing a booklet of four A5 pages on A4 duplexed paper:


; Whatever you need


; The offset is for A4 paper


; A26 = DIN A4





Last example uses ELP scaling function to print four A4 pages on A4 duplexed paper (the scaling function is not guaranteed to work):


; Whatever you need







; Shrink every incoming page by 50%



  • The PCL to PDF converter my NOT show the result correctly.
  • Using macros on documents does work.
  • If any document going on the back side or right side is printed on a separate document, please see here for possible reasons.
  • The binding zone can be increased by shrinking the documents a little and increase the Booklet_XMove vaule
  • On any problems please send us the configuration and your data stream: Help Me.
  • Any archive keys are still correctly processed and stored. 
  • The key OutPort (sending the job to a different queue) will just send the normal data stream without booklet function. if this is needed as well, connect the Port of the queue to a second queue which does the distribution.


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