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General Most used Miscellaneous
Pre-sales Questionaire; Capture data Emulations (Prescribe, Epson, PPDS...) Installation manuals: Windows / Linux etc.
Product Overview Forms management and printer handling  Manuals for user and admins
Installation of ELP and first steps Archiving of data streams ELP Server/License Change
Self-training Distribution of data streams Limited Warranty, Trademarks
Theory for rule based printing Accounting of data streams Copyright and stethos License Agreement
ELP_Command keys Safe Monitored Printing Service Contract
All ELP keys Bar coding / OMR marking (envelope inserter) Maintenance Benefits
    ELP Command Line Arguments
    PPAdmin Command Line Options


The W-ELP (Windows Enhanced Laser Printing) Control Center is used

  1. To setup any rule based functions in order to configure the system for your needs (for Unix, Linux, AS/400, VMS, True 64, AIX and Solaris the configuration file needs to be uploaded on the target system)
  2. To configure the Windows Environment for ELP usage under MS Windows,
  3. Rule based processing of print data streams: Forms, Logos, Watermarks provide access to the complete printer functions like stapling, punching etc., Job Distribution and/or Archiving and much more.
  4. FleetMeter does collect various printer information, e.g. counters and generates a result file with your monthly, quarterly and yearly page consumption.
  5. Filesender does check folders or file name patterns with wild cards and if a file appears it is processed according to the defined matching project.
  6. Get IP Jobs receives jobs sent to printers via IP direct printing.

The following list explains the functionality of default visible Register-tabs of W-ELP


Add your logos, signatures, graphics and forms like Terms & Conditions or letterheads to the ELP system, so that they can be used. An expert function can also read back the hard disk or flash device content of any Hewlett-Packard printer / MFP. You may also store your form files.


Sets the operation mode of the W-ELP system. It is recommended to setup the e-mail function. On any W-ELP error the Admins will receive an e-mail with a problem description. Buttons give access to various log files, and several functional settings can be applied. Provides also access to FleetMeter.


Sets the operation rules for the data stream manipulations like printer and forms handling, archiving, splitting, e-mailing and much more. The Control Center handles over 350 single functions and in addition an indefinite amount of printer handling options. For example each page can be printed simplex/duplex, from any tray to any tray, stapled, punched, forms and pages can be added, color management and much much more.


Is used to activate any Windows printer queue for the ELP printing process, offers some small Printer and Queue Management options and provides access to FleetMeter.


Provides access to all archive directories for re- and batch-printing. e-Mailing and searching documents

Get IP Jobs

opens any amount of ports on the PC, receives print jobs through the ports and forward then either into a directory or to an Windows Port, e.g. an ELP enabled print queue.The function emulates a printer and answers all host spooler requests.


provides access to the license key, the about box and the display language for the W-ELP Control Center.


Those 2 tabs are accessible via the Admin register and a restart of the configuration software: Queue Mng and e-Mail Mng.


Related articles: ELP Server/License Change


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