The powerful MyPrintArchive function of ELP can be used to collect, reprint, and sort data streams or simply as a print library. In most cases PPAdmin needs to be installed on a local user PC or just on a network drive, for allowing the access for all users.
Copy the following files from the installed ELP server to your local PC or into an accessible network directory. Any directory is allowed.
PPADMIN.EXE, ARCHIVE.INI, LANGUAGE.INI and all files ending with *.LAN and the online-help directory. -
Create a shortcut on the desktop and / or task menu and / or start-up menu of PPAdmin.exe. Open the file explorer, right click on PPAdmin.exe and select: Create short cut. You then can drag this new icon into any menu you like.
Right click the on the new shortcut(s) and select properties. Open the register where you see the software execution call ...\PPAdmin.exe. In order to set PPAdmin into Archive mode, add at the line end a blank and /A (Uppercase A!)
Open the archive.ini file into notepad and change the InArchiveDir to your own needs. You can either point to a shared network volume or use the UNC definition \\server\sharename[\directory]
You may insert several keys for more directories. There is no difference in file handling if you use the In- or OutarchiveDir key, they are only there for finding the path. You may also use the variable #USERNAME# in order to open a user specific subfolder.
There are quite a few more possibilities to be set, even to load another ini file for getting the archive directories names. All options are described in the file.
Once the shortcut is called PPAdmin shows up with only the Archive register.
copy /b d:\archive\*.* \\server\PrinterShareName
del /Q d:\archive\*.*
Or the way described in the MyPrintArchive chapter in this manual.
You may also change the archive*.* online-help files with notepad to give more company specific help to your users.