Setting the complete job or parts of the job to duplexing may sometimes not work, even when the correct ELP_Command is used!
The reasons for that behavior are usually:
In in most cases the related ELP_Command sets the duplex option for each page (e.g. C1S1;).
Make sure, that the duplex command is only set on the first page where duplex should start. (e.g. C1:1S1);
Example: Page 1 Duplex, Page 3 return to Simplex and form page 7 up all duplex: C1:1S1;C1:3S0;C1:7S1; -
In rare cases the driver generating the data stream enters printing in simplex mode and on each page PCL commands which will feed the paper/page when ever they are applied. Especially if set to duplex mode and those commands arrive on the back side, the page is fed.
Those commands are: Page size (A) Paper source (H) Media type (I) Output paper tray (M) Simplex/Duplex (S) Page side (B)
If in the example above the pages are still simplex, although duplex is advised in ELP_Command, add those commands to the first page, if all pages are having the same size or are drawn from the same in-tray or sent to the same out-tray. C1:1A1I9S1;C1:3S0;C1:7S1;
Note: ELP will remove all commands in the data stream, if the command was set on any page using an ELP_Command. If fed pages still give you a hard time, set the correct values of the table above either on the first page (C#:1) or on all right hand pages: C#:R... -
Another example using colored watermarks, stamps of any other colored stuff behind the regular text: Colored Watermark in Duplex
Fails | Correct | Description |
C1S1; | C1:1S1 | complete job is printed in duplex. Just define it on the first page. General define it always on the first page starting to be printed duplex |
C1S1; | C1:1A26I9S1; | Every page is formatted in the data stream for paper size A4 and a paper tray selection. Move those two setting to page 1 as well. |
C1:10-29S1;C1S0; | C1:10S1;C1S0;C1:11-29F8888; | All pages of the first copy from page number 10 up to 29 will be printed in duplex mode. All the other ones in simplex. However to print duplex there are 2 commands needed: page 10 to turn duplex on and a dummy command 11-29 which puts a non existing form on. This is needed as the command C1:10-29S1 would sill print all in simplex. |
Duplex on preprinted paper Print Job Duplex, but beginning with a specific page change to simplex
Print job duplex, add on all back pages the terms & conditions
Customer question: Can ELP print my terms and conditions (T&Cs) on every back page?
Assuming you already converted the T&Cs into an ELP usable Macro here form 1002 and if you like form 1001 on all front pages
Open the Install Tab - activate the queue you want to use (if not yet done)
Change to Configuration Tab - Add Section - doubleclick on queue and close the add window (now you have a ruled section, which will be called whenever a job comes along this queue)
Mark the new queue named section/rule - Add key - open ELP keys and doubleclick on ELP_COMMAND or
click on Rule assistent select the queue named rule and turn Forms Management on. (Check box). -
As you print only one copy and differentiate a left and a right handed page, open the pull down menu at Select Page # and select the Right Pages (1st 3rd etc)
Perform in this order.
- Doubleclick on your form 1001 (if letter head should be printed on all pages),
- Select duplex long side printing
- Add a FormFeed -
Select the left page like described in 5. and insert Form 1002. Close all windows until back to PPAdmin main menu, -> The resulting ELP_COMMAND: C1:RF1001S1FF;C1:LF1002;
Now verify the setting by printing any document to the queue. If the result is incorrect, check if the driver is really using PCL5 and if no other rule may overwrite the ELP_Command.
Print job duplex, add on all back pages the terms & conditions, on first page the letter head, on remaining front pages the logo
Customer question: Can ELP realize this requirements
I want to print the complete job in duplex.
Insert on every back page the terms and conditions, form 1004
On the first page print complete company letter head, form 1003
And on the remaining front pages print the logo only, form 1002
Sure, here is the ELP_Command:
So on the first printed page (copy 1, page 1) C1:1 duplex is turned on S1 for the complete job and form F1003 added. To insert the T&C on the back pages a form feed is added as well.
So ELP is now on the back page, as on all back pages the form F1004 needs to be added, they are all left hand pages, so C1:L (Left hand pages) add form 1004. After that the data stream form feed of the front page is coming.
The remaining data stream pages are all right hand pages, so C1:R can be used. The trick is NOT on the already defined first page, so X1 (Don't use that command on page 1) will prevent the execution of this command on the first page, but on all other pages form 1002 and a form feed is added. So the back left sided page is hitting again C1:L.
Quick setup of that example:
Use file manager or any other tool to save your actual configuration file convert.ini, most likely located at: c:\ProgramData\WELP\convert.ini
Copy in the same directory the file convert.ori to convert.ini, just to have a new factory setting
Start PPAdmin Control Center
In the main Configuration Tab click on Rule assistant
Make sure rule Global is selected and check box "Forms Management and Printer handling", the ELP_Command Generator is opened.
Copy the command above, starting behind the equal sign, into the field of above the OK button.
Press OK and Apply the next windows
Now print any document through any ELP activated queue using an PCL5 driver.
The same example with T&C's on the back page, but on the front page has to go a color watermark underneath the printed document.
Here the G forms overlay command is used instead of the F command. But remember this is tricky, as ELP does NOT know when the data stream ends. Meaning just replacing the above F to G will result into an extra empty page, maybe even endless empty pages.
The solution is to prevent to insert the G command on the last output page plus 1. As every page has inserted a terms and condition page, it is actually 2 times the incoming page amount plus 1:
Form 1000 is the color watermark, form 1001 the T&C's
[Do always the Form Command]
; Primary Trigger above always true, so this rule is always executed.
; multiply the input pages by 2 and add 1, so this is the real printed last page plus 1
; As Form F1001 (T&C) is inserted on every back page, but as the G command is automatically inserted after a form feed,
; the X on the right handed page prevents the insertion for the last printed page (2 * incoming amount of pages) plus 1
One final example is also based upon the previous one. Now it is extended to print 3 copies with 3 different watermarks underneath the text. But only the first copy with T&C's.
Now it is needed to prevent the page insertions on the incoming amount of pages times 2 plus one for the first copy, but also for the incoming pages plus 1 for copy 2 and 3.
Form 1000 is the color watermark, form 1001 the T&C's, 1002 the watermark for the second and 1003 for the 3rd copy.
[Do always the Form Command]
; For Copy 1 set the last printed page plus 1
; For Copies 2 and 3 increase the counter
; Preset 3 copies, to make it more clear I split the 3 copies into 3 lines
; Copy 1: set to duplex and insert on all pages but not on the last page (incoming pace count * 2 + 1) the G command and FF
; Copy 2: set to simplex and insert on all pages up to the last +1 the form
; Copy 3, same with form 1003