Once a rule is applied, independent if the rule is activated through a Search_xxx, Trigger_xxx or because of a default activated rule, the following table lists the order ELP interprets the keys. This might be important, especially for the rowing how variables are treated.
PCLPreciseMode | See Manual. |
WKDIR | change workpath folder. |
OnLoadErrorMacroID | Replacement macro form, used if a macro file does not exist |
PrintOnlyASCII | Strip all PCL commands out of stream |
ReportLicense | Report server licenses to a central e-mail address |
Encrypt_keys | 64 bit encryption number for en- or decrypt data streams |
Encrypt | Tells ELP to encrypt the outgoing data stream |
Max_ReadBuffer | Maximum buffer size for the read and search operation. Influences the process speed. |
IllegalCharInFileName | UniqueFileNameChar Archive file name separator for files with same name |
Log_Mode | Set the level for writing job processing information in the log file:log_file.txt. |
Log_Mode_FileName | Change the default log_file.txt file to any for example printer related file name. |
Variable_File | Read any variables lists from an external file. |
JobCounter | Create the variable #JOB_COUNTER# holding a unique job number, or optional any other variable |
ADIR_GetVariable | Reads an active directory content to an ELP variable |
JobCounter | Create the variable #JOB_COUNTER# holding a unique job number, or optional any other variable |
GetEnvVariable | Reads environment variable form the actual ELP process environment into an ELP variable. |
Variable | Reads and calculates ELP variables from config file activated rule |
Check_TelNo | Removes all non digits from a provided phone number |
SetEnvVariable | Stores any text or variable content as an environment variable for the actual ELP execution |
StopPrgEnd | Keeps the DOS application open and the console outputs visible until a final closing key is pressed. Please note that Process User cannot be set to System in order to show the execution program. |
CharConvertionFile | Converts the pure text in the data stream from any symbol set A to a new symbol set B. |
ELP_Max_Heap | Maximum amount of memory for reading the incoming data, before the K copy command cannot be used anymore. |
Debug_InData | Write the incoming data stream to file in_data.prn |
Debug_OutData | Write the outgoing data stream to file out_data.prn |
ShowSearchableText | Helps to analyze a windows based data stream, what is searchable and what is not findable. |
KillJobsWithLessBytes | Jobs with less than the amount provided bytes are ignored |
KillJob | Job is totally ignored |
Compression | Compresses (zip alike) the outgoing data stream |
Accounting | Store the collected job information in a CSV or .dbf file for further processing. Counters, Project names, User name etc. |
Free_Escape | Turns Free Escape function off and reads the defined character. By default it is the Tilde character: "~". |
Barcodes | Turns bar code printing OFF. By default it is on and further keys can be defined and are read. |
HexOutput | The output will be printed/displayed in Hex |
HexConvertion | Init string which stands in front of an HEX double Byte string, which then is converted. |
HexWrapper | Converts all ASCII Hex characters between an beginning and ending sequence into a Hex characters, and removes the start stop strings. |
HexConvertion | Convert the next two bytes after the searched string from its ASCII Hex representation into a HEX character |
EraseMacros | By default all loaded macros are erased. Set this key to not do so |
TrayMap | Change paper input trays from tray A to B |
OutTrayMap | Change stacker output trays from tray A to B |
JobLanguage | Switch the printers display language for this job |
ReportLines | Defined to print X gray lines in a certain position, distance, height and grayscale on the paper |
ELP | Turns the ELP function on and reads the keys out of each analyzed rule: ELP_CMD_Start_Char , ELP_CMD_Stopp_Char, ELP_Use_Qty_Factor , ELP_Init_JOB, ELP_Exit_JOB, ELP_Init_PCL, ELP_Exit_PCL, ELP_ PageInit _PCL, ELP_Replace_Variables, ELP_Command, ELP_Command_Add, ELP_Cont_Page_Counting, ELP_Command_Activate, ELP_Set_CopyFactor |
OMR_Enabled | Start OMR handler and read all associated keys |
Macro_Download | Defines if on a macro call the macro/form is searched and inserted. |
FastMacroLoading | Do not run the macro through the ELP parser, send it direct unchanged to the out port. |
AllwaysEvenAmountOfPages | If needed a blank page is added at the end of the job |
AllwaysOddAmountOfPages | If needed a blank page is added at the end of the job |
EraseAllPJL | Deletes all PJL statements, e.g. to collect and staple streams |
EraseAllResetEscE | Will delete all Esc E sequences (PCL5 reset) from the stream |
SAP_Unicode Turns | Unicode & Double Byte conversion on. |
UnicodeErrorChar | Replacement character for illegal characters |
InSymbolset | Converts a data stream from symbol set A to B e.g. EBCDIC ->ASCII |
Fax_Compression | Converts Lexmark PCL compression mode 8 to HP mode 5 |
EpsonEmulation | Turns on the Epson dot matrix printer emulation. Further keys can be defined |
PrintronixEmulation_VGL | Enables the VGL Printronix emulation. Further keys can be defined |
PrintronixEmulation_PGL | PrintronixEmulation_PGL enables the PGL Printronix emulation. Further keys can be defined |
PPDS_Enable | A Proprinter emulation. Further keys can be defined |
Prescribe | Enables Prescribe/Kyocera emulation. Further keys can be defined |
DHL_Emulation | A special emulation for a very special box. |
CobraBox_Emulation | Turns on the bar code emulation for OKI printers and Cobra print servers. Further keys can be defined |
PCL_X_Scaling | Horizontal scaling factor for PCL data streams. |
PCL_Y_Scaling | Vertical scaling factor for PCL data streams. |
PCL_ScalingMacros | Don't use scaling factors in ELP forms |
Reverse_Printing | Print last page first, second last etc. |
Reverse_Printing_Duplex | Print duplex, so second last, last page 4th last 3rd |
MultiRoll_# | Selects the correct paper roller for large HP plotters |
PreParsing | ELP collects the page count and other stream information before processing really starts |
Enable_eMail | Enables e-mail functionality |
PreView | Convert the outgoing data to PDF and display it |
PreView_NoPrint | Same, but no data is finally passed to the printer |
PDF2PS_Enable | Converts PDF streams into postscript format |
CALS2TIFF_StartDef | Converts CALS Plotter streams to Tiff files |
TIFF2PS_Enable | Converts Tiff streams into Postscript streams/files |
OutArchiveDir | Stores the outgoing job to a certain directory, as prn file, Tiff, PDF etc. incl. index files, postal optimizations, file splitting and quite some more possibilities. |
InArchiveDir | Stores the incoming job to a certain directory |
Out_Port | Sends the final job as a copy to any other port, e.g. other printer. Key can also be used to easily split jobs in e.g. single documents like invoice. |
Split_Section | Setting to split jobs in pieces according to file size |
Distribute_Section | Sends the job to specific printers according to file size or page count. |
Monitored_Printing_section | Enables monitoring of the printer state before, while and during printing. Errors are reported to the user. |
In_Port | Sends the incoming job as a copy to any other port, e.g. other printer |
Call | Calls any external program / batch process at the end of the process. All what is needed can be done. |
CallNoPrint | Same as above, but no data is sent to the printer |
CallAtNextFormFeed | Calls an external program right at the next form feed before. Code can be read back and inserted in the stream. |
CallAtStartUp |
Calls an external program before reading any bytes. Stream changes and ini file directives can be returned |
EconoMode | Set printer to Economode |
PrintQuality | General change of output quality at various printer |
PlanesInUse | HP LaserJets can be switched from Color to B/W |
RenderMode | HP DesignJets can be switched from Color to B/W |
NoPrinting | Will not print to printer but distribute and archiving etc. is still performed |
DoNotPrintDataStream | Do not print the data stream but all post actions. |
OutFile_MaxLen | Limit the maximum length of the out file. During integration of rules possible recursive commands can be stopped. |
PassThrough | All the data will be sent from this point on binary without any changes to the output |
NoGraphicWrapIntoMacro | The graphical parts for doing macro generation through an ELP activated queue are NOT wrapped into a macro. |
InsertPrintFilesAtFormFeed | Any matched files from the given archive directory are inserted after the next form feed and deleted. IMPORTANT NOTE: All jobs must fit into the RAM of the PC |
InsertPrintFilesAtJobEnd | Any matched files from the given archive directory are inserted and deleted at the end of the job, but before the ELP EE### command, IMPORTANT NOTE: As each job is loaded separately, only one job at a time must fit into the RAM of the PC |
CloseArchivesBeforeInsert | Closes the generated archive files, so that they can be used for any Call or Insert command. |
InsertPrintFilesAtJobEndDoNothing | Same functionality as key above, but the data stream is passed through and does not run anymore through the ELP process |
Variables_Store | Stores all variables for that job to a single file. See also accounting for collect job information in a database. |
DB_Open | Open a .dbf file to search for data |
DB_Locate | Search for fields in database |
DB_Variable | And read back information into ELP variables |
OverWriteInOutFile | See manual. |
Counter | On rules Global, printer- and user name: Check for any counters and increase them. |
IniFile | Calls another command file and reads automatically all default rules/sections. If the IniFile key is not available then this last key is possible executed |
ActivateSection | Start analyzing all keys of the new provided section. |
Counter | Check for any counters and increase them in that section. |
If the rule was executed by a Search_xxx key, the following keys are also read. Please note, that if an IniFile key was switching the ini file, those keys are searched in the new ini file, under the same section/rule name.
Note: Search_xxx_new are slightly different, some keys are not evaluated.
InsertOnPreviousPage | Adds the argument / variables right in front of the form feed of the last page. ELP ignores the command on the first page. |
InsertOnTopOfPage | Adds any text / variables right at the beginning of the page where the searched item was found. Does not work for page "one". |
StoreNextWordToVariable | The next word in the data stream after the search term is stored into the provided variable name, can be used with Search and OutSearch keys. |
StoreNextWordToIntVariable | Same functionality as StoreNextWordToVariable, but at the end of the reading process, the word is converted into a signed long integer value. The word is searched using the same mechanism like the search command, binary or windows mode |
Search_Only_Once | If this key is used in a section triggered by any search key, the section is performed, but then the search key is erased. This means, that the section will be only performed once -> the first time the key is found. |
Counter | The provided variable is incremented by default by 1 or any other positive/negative value which can be added after as semicolon |
GetActualFilePosition | Offset in the out file from beginning. Can be used to insert later additional PCL code. |
TriggerSection | If all trigger conditions of the named rule are true, the rule is performed as well, right at the position the searched item was found. This could be very early in the process especially before other rules may apply. |
Disable_Search | This key is only in a rule usable, which is activated by a Search_Binary, _Text, _Windows or _New key. Is the key turned ON, ELP will finish the execution of this rule (except StoreNextWord...). After that will be no further Search or Trigger executed. |
Disable_RowSearch | This key is only in a rule usable, which is activated by a Search_Binary, _Text, _Windows or _New key. Is the key set to ON, all Search_RowNo rules are deactivate |
ReadOnlySearchKeys | This key can be used in sections which contains SEARCH_ keys. Turned ON ELP will only process or evaluate the Add, Insert, Replace, Erase and StoreNextWordToVariable keys. |
---> | here at this point are the keys in list above read. |
SkipUntilEnd | Data including the searched item is erased until and including the search text of this key is found |
Replace_Binary | This information will replace found data, for special characters use DOS-editor. Only used in conjunction with Search_ key |
ReplaceNextTerm | Similar functionality as search and replace using variables, but after the first found event, the "variable" will be erased. |
Insert_Binary | Add this information before found data, for special characters use DOS-editor |
Erase_Binary | Found data will be erased. Only used in conjunction with Search_ key. May not work with _new search method |
Add_AtNextLine | This string will be added right after the next LF hex 0A, ASCII 10) character |
Add_Binary | Add this information after found data, for special characters use DOS-editor. |
After the system did store the next Word into a Variable, those keys are evaluated
TriggerSectionAfterStore | If the variable after the command StoreNextWordToVariable or StoreNextWordToIntVariable is fully read, ELP calls the provided rule name. So the variable content can be for example immediately analyzed. |
Add_BinaryAfterStore | Adds this text or print commands after a SEARCH_xxx key was found behind the information which was read out of the stream using StoreNextWordToVariable. ERASE_BINARY can be used as well! |
Erase_Binary | Found data will be erased. Only used in conjunction with Search_ key. May not work with _new search method |
For OutSearch_xxx those keys are checked and if available in rule performed.
StoreNextWordToVariable | The next word in the data stream after the search term is stored into the provided variable name, can be used with Search and OutSearch keys. |
StoreNextWordToIntVariable | Same functionality as StoreNextWordToVariable, but at the end of the reading process, the word is converted into a signed long integer value. The word is searched using the same mechanism like the search command, binary or windows mode |
InsertPrintFilesAtFormFeed | Any matched files from the given archive directory are inserted after the next FormFeed and deleted. IMPORTANT NOTE: All jobs must fit into the RAM of the PC |
InsertPrintFilesAtJobEnd | Any matched files from the given archive directory are inserted and deleted at the end of the job, but before the ELP EE### command, IMPORTANT NOTE: As each job is loaded separately, only one job at a time must fit into the RAM of the PC |
CloseArchivesBeforeInsert | Closes the generated archive files, so that they can be used for any Call or Insert command. |
InsertPrintFilesAtJobEndDoNothing | Same functionality as key above, but the data stream is passed through and does not run anymore through the ELP process |
Variable | Reads and calculates ELP variables from config file activated rule |
IniFile | Calls another command file and reads automatically all default rules/sections. If the IniFile key is not available then this last key is possible executed |
Search_Only_Once | If this key is used in a section triggered by any search key, the section is performed, but then the search key is erased. This means, that the section will be only performed one time -> the first time the key is found |
Add_Binary | Add this information after found data, for special characters use DOS-editor. DO NOT USE THIS KEY IN ANY EMULATION! Use REPLACE_BINARY key! Can be also used in OutSearch |