More information of the ELP Trigger commands can be found here .
The Control Center software opens this window during the Add rule/section generation, for a triggered rule. It gives access to the most common used secondary trigger evaluation keys.
Mainly for performance reasons, there are primary and secondary triggers. For the evaluation of secondary triggers all primary triggers must be TRUE: Trigger_Binary, Trigger_Windows, Trigger_Text, Trigger_Windows:new and Trigger_Text_New.If you need only to evaluate a secondary trigger, for example the content of a variable, then generate a primary trigger, which always becomes true. For example Trigger_Binary=1 may always become true, assuming in all document you find the digit 1 some where.
The meaning of the fields are:
Limited to those users | As noted in the New rule/section you may generate for each user (windows logon name) a specific rule. Sometimes the content of the rules are for those users all the same, e.g. no color printing.In that case it is maybe easier to generate one rule and list all users surrounded by semicolon, for which the rule applies. |
Limited to those printers: | Same as above, but instead for users for print queue names. |
and this orientation | Valid entries are: PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE, REVERSEPORTRAIT or REVERSELANDSCAPE |
and Simplex/duplex printing | Digit: 0: Simplex, 1: Duplex long side, 2: Duplex short side |
and resolution | 300, 600, 1200 etc. |
and paper size | Valid entries are: A4, A3, A5, LETTER or LEGAL |
and paper tray | Any valid PCL paper tray number. This number is not the same as the tray are numbered. The correct number can either be found in the printer manufacturer PCL technical reference manual or when you double click on the ELP_Command, the opening ELP Command Generator has a paper tray drop down list, which names quite a lot paper trays and their PCL number in (#). |
If this rule does not apply ... | This is the else path of the rule, like "if rule does not apply do this rule". Enter here any name of an already existing section which is directly performed if the trigger rule does not become true. |
Trigger on variables ... | Maybe the most powerful secondary trigger. You can evaluate the content or even part of the content of the provided variable. Example: If the previous searched invoice number starts with 75 then use the letter head of company A |
Related articles: New rule/section, Theory of ELP rules activation