This start-up agent helps you to configure your ELP software quickly for the most common tasks. It offers via Quicksets access to the global setup, printer activation, forms and printer handling, SAP_Unicode and to the data stream emulations.
The start-up agent is automatically displayed at any start-up of the PPAdmin Control Center software if there are NO queues ELP (Enhanced Laser Printing) activated. If there had been queues already activated, it could be, that a new installed printer did reset the existing queues. We have seen that mainly by HP LaserJet 4250 and 4350 drivers. In that case exit, open the Install Tab and reactivate using the shown popup all missing queues.
1. | Demo license key | During the download registration of ELP you might have asked for a demo license. You can enter it here or later in the License Tab. Note: Having no demo key or if the demo period ended you will need to press an OK button for every processed data stream. |
Feature key | This key is handed out with full licenses. You can enter it here or later in the License Tab. | |
Apply | The entered license keys are applied to the ELP system. Note: The ELP system is always full functional, even when no license is entered (OK Button needs to be pressed). It is even possible to try a new ELP function, without having the proper module licensed. In that case the OK is not displayed, but a demo watermark appears each printed page. |
2. | Secure ELP with password | The Control Center is secured with a password against any manipulations. In this case it is wise to encrypt the ini file as well. See Admin Registry Tab. |
3. | Display the Self training | Recommended for all ELP newcomers to have a brief look at. This document describes up to 75% of typically used implementations. |
4. | Activate ELP for print queue | By default only locally installed queues from the major printer manufacturers are listed. If you haven't installed the needed queue, then exit here, install it and restart the Control Center. Any queue can be activated later as well using the Install Register Tab. If your installed printer queue is not listed please see in the Install Tab what to do. On activation ELP replaces the printers default print processor with its welpprint.dll. On any deactivation later the default print processor of that printer queue will be reactivated and ELP won´t act anymore when this printer queue is used. See Theory of installation of W-ELP in MS Windows. For a quick test it is recommended to print the first listed test job during the activation. Demo Files Descriptions |
Display all printers | Lists the name of all locally installed printer queues. Sometimes the Fax or PDF converter are installed as a driver with a queue. Do never activate them, it will not work as they don´t provide PCL5! |
After one queue is activated, the start-up agent offers to activate the most used functions
5. |
New to ELP? |
For your convenience, ELP offers to start with some predefined rule sets. They can be selected to be preset and come with a nice test sample, describing in most cases what can be done next to meet your solution expectation. Select among forms management and archiving solutions, or an emulation like Proprinter DS or Kyocera Prescribe . |
6. | Printer functions / Forms-, Paper- and Copy management | Over 50 predefined printer functions (like stapling, punching etc) and forms management functions (copies, paper tray handling, etc) are listed. You may browse through them by marking any line and read below the selection window the short general description and in most cases also the command key explanation. There will be added an ELP_Command key to the rule GLOBAL, which can be edited later on in the Configuration Tab. |
Related articles: Introduction to ELP