This is only the short list of all ELP keys. The description is used to be displayed in the Configuration Tab on the Add key to rule function.
The full detailed description of the keys can be found on the links.
ELP Function key is supported
ok | On all available Platforms |
1) | On MS Windows only |
2) | On Linux / AIX / Unix / AP-ELP Box etc. |
3) | On Ricoh Printers and MFPs |
4) | On MS Windows and on Linux / AIX / Unix etc as long as the software is called in file mode (not STDIN and STDOUT) |
SEARCH keys for trigger and change: Lists all available keys for controlling the search functions
Search_Binary* | ok | BAS | Enter search data which needs to be found in printing file, function is case sensitive |
Search_Windows* | ok | BAS | Enter search data which needs to be found in printing file, function is case sensitive |
Search_Text* | ok | BAS | Enter search data which needs to be found in printing file, function is case IN-Sensitive |
Search_Windows_NEW* | 1) | BAS | Similar to Search_Windows but with following differences: Out of the manipulation keys, currently only ADD_Binary and SEARCH_ONLY_ONCE can be used. The search is processed parallel to the Trigger analyses, so after the complete data stream is read. The command finds search texts, which come from new Unicode based TrueType fonts, using the new Windows drivers. |
Search_Text_NEW* | 1) | BAS | Corresponds to the key: Search_Windows_NEW. The search is performed and is not case sensitive. |
Search_RowNo | ok | BAS | Only used in conjunction with ASCII based print files! |
OutSearch_Binary* | ok | BAS | Only mainly used in conjunction with key StoreNextWordToVariable AND splitting OutArchive files. |
OutSearch_Windows* | ok | BAS | Only mainly used in conjunction with key StoreNextWordToVariable AND splitting OutArchive files. |
OutSearch_Text* | ok | BAS | Only mainly used in conjunction with ke yStoreNextWordToVariable AND splitting OutArchive files. |
* use New rule/section to test a data stream, which search version can be used.
Manipulate searched expressions: Add, Insert, Replace and other manipulations on searched strings.
ActivateSection | ok | BAS | This is the last performed key in a triggered section. Provided, ELP does also activate the named section |
Add_Binary* | ok | BAS | Add this information after found data, for special characters use DOS-editor.DO NOT USE THIS KEY IN ANY EMULATION! Use REPLACE_BINARY key. Can be also used in OutSearch |
Add_BinaryAfterStore | ok | BAS | Adds this text or print commands after a SEARCH_xxx key was found behind the information which was read out of the stream using StoreNextWordToVariable. ERASE_BINARY can be used as well! |
Add_AtNextLine | ok | BAS | This string will be added right after the next LF hex 0A, ASCII 10) character |
Counter* | ok | BAS | Every time when a section is activated through a SEARCH_ key (not Search_RowNo) and this COUNTER key is defined, the provided variable in incremented by default by 1 or any other positive/negative value which can be added after as semicolon:Counter=[#]VariableName[#][StepValue] or Counter=[#]VariableName[#][[*Value][+Value][/Value][-Value][%Value] |
Disable_Search | ok | BAS | This key is only in a rule usable, which is activated by a Search_Binary, _Text, _Windows or _New key. Is the key turned ON, ELP will finish the execution of this rule (except StoreNextWord...). After that will be no further Search or Trigger executed. |
Disable_SearchRule | ok | BAS | Stops the search for all Search_... items which are defined in the addressed rule. Note: A rule can not disable itself. See also the key Enable_SearchRule. |
Disable_RowSearch | ok | BAS | This key is only in a rule usable, which is activated by a Search_Binary, _Text, _Windows or _New key. Is the key set to ON, all Search_RowNo rules are deactivate |
Erase_Binary* | ok | BAS | Found data will be erased. Only used in conjunction with Search_ key. May not work with _new search method |
Insert_Binary* | ok | BAS | Add this information before found data, for special characters use DOS-editor.DO NOT USE THIS KEY IN ANY EMULATION! Use REPLACE_BINARY key only in conjunction with Search_ key. May not work with _new search method |
InsertAfterNextFormFeed | ok | BAS | Text and or PCL Commands;The given argument text is inserted in the data stream behind the next coming Form Feed, even before the insertion of any possibly ELP_Command (Page control / forms). Please note, in addition the ELP control command \x1B)s-994Z must be set in the data stream. You may define several insertions, which will be used: 1. in the row they are defined, FiFO and 2. on the pages the \x1B)s-994Z key must be used. Each key will insert one next provided InsertAfterNextFormFeed argument. So you may use several on one page or on different pages. |
InsertBeforeNextFormFeed | ok | BAS | Text and or PCL Commands;The given argument text is inserted in the data stream before the next coming Form Feed. And there even before the insertion of any possibly ELP_Command (forms insertion). Please note, in addition the ELP control command \x1B)s-984Z must be set in the data stream. You may define several insertions, which will be used: 1. in the row they are defined, FiFO and 2. on the pages the \x1B)s-984Z key must beused. Each key will insert one next provided InsertBeforeNextFormFeed argument. So you may use several on one page or on different pages. |
InsertOnPreviousPage | 1) | BAS | Adds any text / variables right before the form feed on the page before the searched Item was found. Does not work for page "zero". You may use the key several times in a rule or in different rules, even working on the same page. The insertion is then done using the LIFI principle. Just follow the link for more limitations. Attention: Needs Preparsing=ON in order to work properly. |
InsertOnRelativePageNum | 1) | BAS | Value;Argument Insert the argument relative to the actual page. The numeric value may be: 0: Adds the argument on top of the actual page. <0: Insertion is done # pages before the actual page. >0 Insertion is done # pages after the actual page. Example, you are on page 3, Value=2 -> The argument is inserted on page 5. Try to avoid FormFeeds in the argument. |
InsertOnTopOfPage | 1) | BAS | Adds any text / variables right at the beginning of the page the searched Item was found. You may use the key several times in a rule or in different rules, even working on the same page. The insertion is then done using the LIFI principle. Just follow the link InsertOnPreviousPage for further limitations. Attention: Needs Preparsing=ON in order to work properly. |
OverWriteInOutFile | 1) 2) | BAS | Should be only used with OutSearches |
PrintOnlyASCII | ok | BAS | If turned on ELP will only print pure plain ASCII text and no escape sequences.This key can only be used in rule GLOBAL, and it is mainly for evaluation |
ReadOnlySearchKeys | ok | BAS | This key can be used in and section which contains SEARCH_ keys. Turned ON ELP will only process or evaluate the Add, Insert, Replace, Erase and StoreNextWordToVariable keys |
RememberFilePos | ok | BAS | Stores the actual file position for later use in a variable. Should be used only with OutSearch |
Replace_Binary* | ok | BAS | This information will replace found data, for special characters use DOS editor. Only used in conjunction with Search_key |
ReplaceNextTerm | ok | BAS | Similar functionality as search and replace using variables , but after the first found event, the "variable" will be erased. |
Search_Only_Once | ok | BAS | If this key is used in a section triggered by any search key, the section is performed, but then the search key is erased. This means, that the section will be only performed one time -> the first time the key is found |
SkipUntilEnd | ok | BAS | Data including the searched item is erased until and including the search text of this key is found |
StoreNextWordToVariable* | ok | BAS | The next word in the data stream after the search term is stored into the provided variable name. This can be used with Search_xxx and OutSearch keys. Two operands can be added: ;x;y x=Quantity of minimum bytes to be read, y=Byte in ASCII value for lowest readable byte. |
StoreNextWordToIntVariable* | ok | BAS | Same functionality as StoreNextWordToVariable, but at the end of the reading process, the word is converted into a signed long integer value. The word is searched using the same mechanism like the search command, binary or windows mode |
StoreNextWordToVariableMaxLen | ok | BAS | Limits the character length of the values read by the StoreNextWordTo[Int]Variable commands. |
TriggerSection* | ok | BAS | If all trigger conditions of the named rule are true, the rule is performed as well, right at the position the searched item was found. This could be very early in the process especially before other rules may apply |
TriggerSectionAfterStore* | ok | BAS | If the variable after the command StoreNextWordToVariable or StoreNextWordToIntVariable is fully read, ELP calls the provided rule name. So the variable content can be for example immediately analyzed |
* Those keys are available through the process New rule/section using the search mode -> Special keys for searched rules
TRIGGER keys Lists all available keys for controlling the trigger functionality (ELP=ON must be set in the configuration)
Trigger_Binary* | ok | BAS | All triggers of sections need to be found in print file, function is case sensitive, this text must be found binary in the stream |
Trigger_Windows* | ok | BAS | Enter trigger data. All triggers of sections need to be found in print file, function is case Sensitive |
Trigger_Text* | ok | BAS | All triggers of sections need to be found in print file, function is case IN-Sensitive |
Trigger_Windows_NEW* | 1) | BAS | Pretty the same as TRIGGER_WINDOWS, but ELP tries to convert TrueType loaded characters using the new windows printing method from binary back into an ASCII format, in order to evaluate also those texts. The Fonts need to be Unicode encoded. |
Trigger_Text_NEW* | 1) | BAS | Pretty the same as TRIGGER_TEXT, but ELP tries to convert TrueType loaded characters using the new windows printing method from binary back into an ASCII format, in order to evaluate also those texts. Important: Fonts need to be UNICODE encoded! |
TriggerNewYPosMode | 1) 2) | BAS | Turned on, the ELP function StoreNextWordTo[Int]Variable does not end in the Search_xxx_new modes, if a Y positioning is found, which points to the same dot row as at the beginning of the Search command. |
TriggerWindowsYPosMode | ok | BAS | Turned on, the ELP function StoreNextWordTo[Int]Variable does end in Search_Windows and Search_Text mode, if a Y positioning is found. |
Orientation $ | ok | BAS | Secondary trigger key: Document needs to be in PORTRAIT, REVERSEPORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE, REVERSELANDSCAPE |
Resolution $ | ok | BAS | Secondary trigger key: Document needs to be 600 or 300 dpi. Needs first all primary Trigger being TRUE to be evaluated |
Page_Size $ | ok | BAS | Secondary trigger key: Document needs to be in A5, A4, A3, Letter, Legal, or and PCL5e value of the Esc&l#A command |
Simplex_Duplex $ | ok | BAS | Secondary trigger key: Document needs to be Special keys for triggered rules one of those printing methods: 0: Simplex, 1: Duplex, 2: Reverse Duplex |
User_Names $ | 2) | BAS | Secondary trigger key: Begin entry with a semicolon, end each user name with a semicolon. Trigger is found if one entry matches case sensitive. Names need to be surrounded by semicolon! |
Printer_Names $ | 2) | BAS | Secondary trigger key: Begin entry with a semicolon, end each printer name with a semicolon. Trigger is found if one entry matches case sensitive. Names need to be surrounded by semicolon |
PaperTray $ | ok | BAS | Secondary trigger key: Document needs to be drawn from this paper tray, but note, the Esc&l#H command is checked and not the number of the logical tray |
Trigger_OutPrinting | ok | BAS | Used in conjunction with the database. Trigger a Section after the database inquiry and check if the job is still to be printed or not. |
ElseTriggerActivateSection | ok | BAS | Analyze this entered rule next. If rule does not exist, then simply continue. This function can be used to generate loops, as triggered rules are executed from top to bottom through the .ini file. |
NextTriggerRule | ok | BAS | The next trigger rule is evaluated if the provided rule is not found |
ActivateSection | ok | BAS | This is the last performed key in a triggered section. Provided, ELP also activates the named section |
Trigger_eMail_Fax | 1) | SND | Secondary trigger key: If the value is turned ON and e-mailing is NOT enabled, then the result of the secondary trigger evaluation will be false If the value is turned OFF and e-mailing IS enabled, then the result of the secondary trigger evaluation will be false. In both cases the result of the trigger analyses will become FALSE |
Trigger_Variable $ | ok | BAS | Secondary trigger key :If the section is triggered by the other Trigger_ keys, this key may evaluate any collected variable value.Example: trigger_variable=#DOCNAME#:Invoice |
Trigger_VariableSubString | ok | BAS | Secondary trigger key: Pretty the same like Trigger_variable, but works only in string mode and is TRUE if the second string can be found in the left string. The search is done case in-sensitive |
SetTrigger | ok | BAS | This key can turn a Trigger_binary, _windows etc. event either to ON (= found) or to off (= not yet found). |
InsertOnPreviousPage | 1) | BAS | Adds any text / variables right before the form feed on the page before the searched Item was found. Does Not work for page "zero". See Link for further limitations. |
InsertOnTopOfPage | 1) | BAS | Adds any text / variables right at the beginning of the page the searched Item was found. Does not(!) work for page "one". See Link InsertOnPreviousPage for further limitations. |
* Those keys are primary trigger keys and are available through the process New rule/section
$ Those keys are secondary trigger keys and only evaluated if all primary keys are tested TRUE. You must minimum provide one primary trigger, otherwise ELP will NOT evaluate the secondary ones. The keys are available through the process New rule/section using the search mode -> Special keys for triggered rules
Forms and printer management key (The most important one)
ELP_Command | ok | FOR | Any valid ELP command without start and stop signs! ELP_Commands are used to control the printer and generate reprints. Click on Modify + Generator to get further information |
ELP keys Lists all available keys for controlling the ELP functionality
ELP | ok | - | Turns ELP function off or on. No ELP Command is searched in data stream. Possible Values: ON/OFF |
ELP_Command | ok | FOR | Any valid ELP command without start and stop signs! It is recommended to use the ELP Command Generator ELP_Command is used to control the printer and generate reprints. Click on Modify + Generator to get further information |
ELP_Command_Add | ok | FOR | Adds additional ELP_COMMANDS to the actual ELP_Command |
Max_ELP_CommandLen | ok | Maximum size of the ELP_Command in bytes. Minimum is 2048 (default) and maximum is 32768. | |
ELP_Replace_Variables | ok | By default any within the ELP_Command or ELP_Command_Add used variables is replaced after analyzing all data. Set to ON, all possible variables are replaced during reading the ELP command, e.g. to use dynamic page settings | |
ELP_Command_Activate | ok | This key defines, if a provided ELP_Command is at start up time active or not.Key makes only sense with the usage of )s996Z Escape sequence | |
ELP_CMD_Start_Char | ok | Defines the 2 start trigger bytes for an ELP command, searched in the processed data stream, like by default: <<K3.... Blank is not possible! | |
ELP_CMD_Stopp_Char | ok | Defines the 2 stop trigger bytes for an ELP command searched in the processed data stream, like by default: ..FF>> Blank is not possible! | |
ELP_Set_CopyFactor | ok | Redefines the copy factor in the actual ELP_Command. It is taken care about the actual mode: Q, R or K | |
ELP_SearchCommandInDataStream | ok | ON: In the last instance ELP searches the data stream for an ELP_Command in this notification: <<command;command;>> OFF: The data stream is not searched (Speeds up the process for larger streams) ALL: The total data stream is searched and the last found command is used. |
ELP_Max_Heap | ok | Memory adjustment for ELP maximum file size length . This key defines the value for the maximum sum of data stream bytes, which are analyzed at program start | |
OutFile_MaxLen | ok | ELP conversion will be stopped, if the outfile is larger the given value. Recursions can be prohibited, using this value | |
ELP_Use_Qty_Factor | ok | The ELP_Command copy factor K, Q or R will be overwritten by the "@PCL SET QTY=x" factor if provided. If used in any triggered rule, this seting has the highest priority for selection the copy factor! It is set after all search and trigger rules are evaluated. So if the driver does always sent qty=1 the copy factor is set to one, even if previouse rules may have set to factor, e.g. by evaluation Esc&l#X command, to 1. |
ELP_INIT_Job | ok | Any valid PCLor PJL commands will be inserted at the beginning of the data stream. Pretty similar to the file function job_init.mac | |
ELP_EXIT_Job | ok | Any valid PCLor PJL commands will be added at the end of the data stream. Together with ELP_INIT_JOB you may for example turn stapling for the whole job on | |
ELP_INIT_PCL | ok | Any valid PCL commands will be inserted at the beginning of the data stream right before the page initialization.Only valid in conjunction with a valid ELP_Command! | |
ELP_PageInit_PCL | ok | Any valid PCL commands will be inserted at the beginning of each page. Do not use any commands which may cause an empty page at the end of the data stream. Only valid in conjunction with a valid ELP_Command! | |
ELP_EXIT_PCL | ok | Any valid PCL commands will be inserted at the end of the data stream | |
ELP_Cont_Page_Counting | ok | By default ELP resets the page counter at each found init sequence to 1, first page. Set to ON, the page counter counts continuously. | |
ReloadMacrosAbove | ok | Macros/Forms above this number are each time they are called embedded into the data stream. Value needs to be between 1 and 29999. Default 25000. Macros above will always be sent only once per job. | |
ReportLines | ok | Definition for the report line generator where and how to print the gray or black lines. The lines are activated with the ELP page command L |
BAR CODE keys Lists all available keys for controlling the bar code functionality
Barcodes with ELP | ok | - | Turns the Free-Escape feature off and on. If the data stream is based upon the German ISO 7bit it is better to turn the Free-Escape function off. Possible Values: ON\OFF |
Free_Escape_Char | ok | BAS | Unless blank, all characters can be defined as a second alternative Escape Sign for PCL commands. |
Barcodes | ok | BAR | Turns the bar code function off and on. Possible Values: ON/OFF. The PSi bar code emulation is turned on as well |
BarcodeAnalyze | ok | - | Prints automatically an additional document which lists depending upon the selected modes 1,2 or 3, all or all unknown font sequences found in the print document. See Quicksets |
Barcode_EraseStartStop | ok | - | The argument needs to be exactly 2 characters. If the bar code information starts with the first and ends with the second character, the two characters are erased from the user information |
Barcode_ErrorHandler | ok | Value 1: Code 3of9 ignores illegal characters. Value 2: Code 3of9 ends bar code user information at any illegal character Value 4: Code 3of9 if illegal character is below 128, ELP switches automatically to 3of9 extended encoding. Notes: Key has to be set in rule GLOBAL! If needed, values can be added |
Barcode_2D_OldVersion | ok | - | Turned on, a possible CR-LF without previous data will NOT be part of the bar code. Also any CR-LF will end the bar code if ELPs voter did not detect a PCL5 data stream |
BarcodesPostScript | ok | - | Turns the bar code function for PostScript files off and on. In order to handle this the key Barcodes needs to be set to ON (default value). Only valid in the rule GLOBAL, User-, Printer-, or Port-Name (see Rules theory ) |
BarcodesPostscriptScalefactor | ok | - | You may set any factor which is only used for the PostScript bar code size adaption. The X and Y sizing are both commonly set |
Barcode_ReadableTextMargin | ok | - | The space in mm, which the readable text needs to be removed from the start stop signs of the bar code. Default 2 mm, if lowered the text size will increase. May only be seen in bar codes with small width. |
Barcode_TextSizeCorrection | ok | - | The readable bar code text is enlarged or reduced by the provided value in Millimeter. Attention, this change will apply to all bar codes with readable text printing. |
2of5AutoLenAjustment | ok | - | Turned on, ELP adds required leading zeros to the bar code information in order to make the total amount of user digits even or odd, depending upon check digit is used or not |
PrintOnlyOneBarcode | ok | - | Turned on, ELP will stop printing bar codes immediately after each printed bar code. So after the bar code any additional text will be printed as text, even if a wrong or incomplete deselection bar code sequence is used. |
HPUS_Barcodes | ok | BAR | Turned OFF, the escape sequences for bar code fonts distributed by HP USA are anymore converted an handled by ELP. So you still need the hardware product. |
SOS_Barcodes | ok | BAR | Turned OFF, the sos8026 (sos8026) bar code fonts are not anymore converted an handled by ELP. So you still need the hardware product. |
SOS_Barcodes_128_HorScale | ok | BAR | Horizontal scaling factor for Code 128 (Typefaces 11000, 11001, 11050 and 11051). 100 = 100%, no scaling |
CANON_Barcodes | ok | BAR | Turned OFF, the bar code sequences of Canon fonts are not anymore converted and handled by ELP. So you still need the hardware product. |
BOP_Barcodes | ok | BAR | Turned OFF, the bar code sequences of Ricoh BOP Code 39 1:2 (Typeface 9012), 1:2.5 (Typeface 9013) and 1:3 (Typeface 9014) fonts are not anymore converted and handled by ELP. So you still need the hardware product. |
CobraBox_Brother | ok | BAR | Turns the Brother bar code version of the Cobra Box emulation on. The key CobraBox_Emulation must be activated. Possible values: ON/OFF |
Cobrabox_EMULATION | ok | BAR | Turns the Cobra-Box / Brother bar code emulation on. Possible values: ON/OFF. Must be turned on in rule GLOBAL, User-, Printer-, or Port-Name (see Rules theory ) |
Cobrabox_INIT | ok | - | This string is used to initialize the Cobra Box Bar code data stream |
Cobrabox_LeadingCharacter | ok | - | Initialization character for the COBRA Box Bar code sequence, usually the escape sign. |
Cobrabox_Stringterminator | ok | - | Character which is used to mark the end of the bar code user information |
OMR BARCODE keys Lists all available keys for supported envelope feeders
OMR_Enabled | ok | FOR | This key in position ON will tell the ELP system to enable OMR bar code usage |
OMR_AddMoveOut | ok | - | Stielow only! Adds the Move Out stoke on all(!) pages, There for the variable #OMR_ADDMOVEOUT# needs to be set to 1. |
OMR_AddOnFeederBits | ok | - | .Integer Value of how many feeder with add-on pages are available, max 5. The variable #OMR_ADDONFEEDERBITS# defines, if and from which feeder is drawn. |
OMR_CollectBar | ok | - | Toggles if the collect bar is a bar or a space. Default is turned OFF and the feeder command is interpreted as a bar. Turned ON, the collect signal is a bar on second place, and no bar for feeding into the envelope |
OMR_Position | ok | - | X_in_mm,Y_in_mm[,rotation] Defines the top left corner of the OMR bar code in mm, beginning at coordination System 0,0The values for rotation can be 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees to printing position |
OMR_Parity | ok | - | Enables the parity flag |
OMR_SequenceControl | 1) 2) | - | Provides how many bits are used for Sequence control. If not fixed you may enter: 0, 2, 4 or 8 |
OMR_CollectJobs | 1) 2) | - | Realizes the sequence control of separated print jobs. |
OMR_MaxCollectPages | ok | Defines the maximum possible pages to be inserted into an envelope. Once reached this amount, the insertion command is performed | |
OMR_Type | ok | - | Currently ELP supports those OMR bar code types: STIELOW, HEFTER-Basis, HEFTER-SEQUENZ, PFE_AUTOMAILER_2_3, PitneyBowes_Basic, PITNEYBOWES_SEQUENZ, Francotyp, KERN |
OMR_LineWidth | ok | - | Length of the OMR bar code line in mm (1 inch is 24.5 mm) |
OMR_LineHeight | ok | - | Height of the OMR bar code line in mm (1 inch is 24.5 mm) |
OMR_LineDistance | ok | - | Distance in mm from one OMR mark to the next (1 inch is 24.5 mm) |
OMR_PrintOnPageSide | ok | - | May only be used in duplex printing data streams, in order to put the marks only on the front or back page.1 front page only, 2 back page only. |
OMR_PFE_Divert | ok | - | The variable defines if the job needs to be send to a divert bin. These marks must be on the first page. The 3 binary marks must be set according to PFEs definition with the value from 0 to 7 |
OMR_Pitney_Flip_EOC_BOC | ok | - | Turned on, ELP does invert the lines 3 and 4, EOC and BOC. Depending upon the paper output in the printing device, this key is maybe needed in conjunction with the OMR_Pitney_ReverseMode. |
OMR_Pitney_ReverseMode | ok | - | Is used if the OMR marks are printed on the right side of the paper. So the first/last page commands are reversed and the page counter is negative counted |
OMR_FrancoTyp_NoStop | ok | - | The stop control line is NOT added, if this key is turend ON. Is needed for Low Level operation. |
OMR_SafetyLine | ok | - | Currently Kern only! Enables the safety line at the end of the OMR barcode |
OMR_UseReadPageCounter | ok | - | Through parsing the data stream into ELP, the amount of pages are counted and during processing the stream out, the OMR insertion mark is automatically added on the last page. |
Reverse_Printing | 1) 2) | Turned on, the print out will appear in the reverse page order. | |
Reverse_Printing_Duplex | 1) 2) | Only usable in conjunction with Reverse_Printing=ON. The reverse mode is changed from last to second last etc, to last - 1, last, last -3, last - 2 etc. Mainly used for reverse printing in duplex mode. |
File Operation keys lists all keys for database handling and direct file writing
DB_Open | ok | PLU | Enter the file name to the database. Several databases are opened, if the file names are separated with semicolon. If the files are not located in the Working directory, add the volume character and the full path |
DB_locate | ok | - | Search with an expression for the database record |
DB_Variable | ok | - | DB_field_name:#ELP_VARIABLE_NAME#;Reads an field content out of the database and creates a searchable ELP variable up to 20 field/variable keys can be used/loaded in one section |
Variable_File | ok | BAS | Any file name which contains variable definitions to be loaded and used as a fill in field #VARNAME#. The file name or path may contain any previously collected variable. The file name maybe followed by a semicolon and the separator character between the variable name and variable value. Character must be > ASCII 32 (Blank). Character # is not allowed. Default sign is = ASCII 61 (Hex 3D). |
Variable_File_Encoding | ok | BAS | Is the variable contend of the loaded ASCII file (key Variable_File) encoded in the Unicode format, then add this key to the same rule. Encoding=Unicode |
Variables_Store | ok | BAS | If a valid filename (file is created in the forms path) or full path including device and filename is provided, all available variables, or the provided semicolon separated ones, are stored into this file at the end of the conversion run. The filename may contain any ELP collected variable |
File_OpenCreate | ok | PLU | Opens the provided file for writing. If it exists, the file content is erased. The provided FileNumber is deticated to that file, allowed values between 0 and 19. |
File_OpenAppend | ok | - | Opens the provided file for writing. If it exists, any new data is appended. The provided FileNumber is deticated to that file, allowed values between 0 and 19. |
File_Write | ok | - | Provided ELP Variables and Hex Characters \x## are replaced before writing out. In order to save ELP Value names, they need to be defined with #$name$#. For text files you need to add CRLF at the end of line. |
File_Close | ok | - | FileNumber of the open file. Like File_Write, this key can be provided in any activated rule. If that key is not provided in any rule, ELP does close on exit the remaining open files properly. |
AddToIncomingJob | ok | BAS | Inserts the key content at the end of the incoming data stream. It is for example used to add a missing FormFeed to ASCII files, which are later printed several times using an ELP_Command. |
Add_PJL_stethos_Comment | ok | BAS | Turned off, ELP does not add to the data stream the stethos comment rows after any UEL. |
AllwaysEvenAmountOfPages | ok | BAS | Once this key is used, a blank page is added at the end of to the job, to make the amount of pages even. |
AllwaysOddAmountOfPages | ok | BAS | Once this key is used, a blank page is added at the end of to the job, to make the amount of pages odd. |
Booklet_Printing | 1) 2) | BAS | Takes any Simplex or Duplex data stream and generates a booklet. This key turns the function ON. Limitations see link. |
Booklet_XMove | 1) 2) | - | Offset for the right handed or button positioned documents, front page X direction moves to the right, e.g. for page 1. |
Booklet_YMove | 1) 2) | - | Offset for the right handed or button positioned documents, front page X direction |
Booklet_Staple | 1) 2) | - | Any PJL command for punching and stapling. Note. ET or T ELP_Commands should NOT be used, see description in link |
CharConvertionFile | ok | BAS | Converts the pure text in the datastream from any symbol set A to a new symbol set B. |
CC_EnableVaule | ok | - | The ID definition for the CharConvertionFile function |
CC_SelectionSequence | ok | - | Any text / Sequence which does start the text conversion defined in the CharConvertionFile. |
CC_DeSelectionSequence | ok | - | Any text / Sequence which does end the text conversion defined in the CharConvertionFile. |
Compression | ok | BAS | This key can be used in any section. Once turned on, ELP will binary compress the outgoing data. To uncompress the stream, you may need an ELP in a printer, our AP-ELP box in front of the device or another ELP server. Compression and decompression is working on any provided printer language. |
ConvertSoftFont2ISO | ok | BAS | Activated does ELP try to convert all true type font based texts from the Windows symbol set coding, int ISO. Than the PDF converter can create searchable PDFs. See also key RemoveDownLoadFont |
ConvertSoftFont2ISO_no_Unicode | ok | BAS | Previous key is required. All characters from 0 to 255 are not translated to Unicode, but remain in the Windows symbol set. Each sign above Unicode 256 turns this function off. |
DoNotPrintDataStream | ok | BAS | Only usable with CallReadback, InsertPrintFilesAtJobEnd[DoNothing] or specific ELP_Commands as EE or EX. The print stream is processed using all applied rules, but is NOT printed out. Only the after processing commands generate print output. |
EconoMode | ok | BAS | Default for the toner-saving feature used in many of the LaserJet printers. 1 ON, 2 OFF. This key needs PJL bounded data streams and is unfortunately not supported on all printers. |
Enable_SearchRule | ok | BAS | If a rule was previously deactivated with the key Disable_SearchRule or all search keys of this rule were found and ended with Search_only_Once, then they can be reactivated with this key. In order to reactivate several search rules, the key Enable_SearchRule can be used as often as required in a rule. See also the key Disable_SearchRule. |
EraseAllPJL | ok | BAS | Once turned on, ALL UEL (Esc%-12345X) and the following PJL commands are erased This is used to staple copies in 123 123 sort order with one staple together on printers which are not 100% HP compatible |
EraseAllResetEscE | ok | BAS | Turned on, all EscE reset commands are erased from the data stream. The ELP and all the other related commands will still be performed. Note: Since 2012 add the EraseGL2Reset key to your rules to gain the same functional compatibility that command had before. |
EraseGl2Reset | ok | BAS | Turned on, the HP GL2 IN reset command is erased from the data stream. The ELP and all the other related commands will still be performed. |
EraseCanonHeader | ok | BAS | Windows based PCL5 data stream from Canon drivers contain proprietary and binary information, which are by default erased by ELP. Turn the function with this key OFF, if no change should apply. Important: The key PreParsing needs to be turned OFF or has to be removed! |
EraseOceHeader | BAS | PCL5 based data stream from OCE drivers contain sometimes proprietary and binary information, which are by default erased by ELP. Turn the function with this key OFF, if no change should apply. The function erases only the header! if you want to get rid of the footer as well, use this rule: [Erase OCE footer]
Search_binary=*OceJobEnd Erase_Binary=ON ReadOnlySearchKeys=ON |
EraseXmlHeader | ok | BAS | Sometime drivers or Thin Print Clients insert an XML header in front of the data streams. ELP does remove them by default. Set this key to OFF, if no data stream change should apply. The header must begin with 'left angle bracket'?=xml and must end with </xpif> |
EraseMacros | ok | BAS | By default, ELP erases all loaded macros from the printers memory right at the end of the print job to keep the printers memory as free as possible. But sometimes mainframe systems may send 2 jobs, the first one are pre-loaded forms, which should still be available after that job is finished, and the second job arriving can make use of them. In this case turn the key to OFF. |
Exit | ok | BAS | If turned on, the rule interpreter will be stopped and the data stream is processed with the up to this point activated keys |
FastMacroLoading | ok | BAS | Turned on, macros / forms, which are loaded by ELP are not passed anymore through the search engine as well as through ELP itself. if no changes in the macro need to be done, as replacing variables or print barcodes, then this key does speed up a little the process speed. This key can't be used while the data stream needs to be split, OutPortMode_CollectFonts=ON. |
Fax_Compression | ok | SND | Turns the FAX_Compression mode off and on. Possible Values: ON/OFF Converts PCL graphic mode 8 to 5. |
GL2GLUnknownCMD2Label | ok | BAS | Turned on, prints all unknown GL/2 commands as labels. Kyocera SAP device type needed that as the LB command is missing |
GL2InitDTChar | ok | BAS | Startup HP GL/2 label LB termination character, usually 03. hex 00 is not allowed and will be ignored. |
HexOutput | ok | BAS | Once set in the rule GLOBAL or any search or triggered section, the output of the ELP Server is converted in a readable data stream. Possible Values: ON/OFF |
HexConvertion | ok | BAS | Can only be used in a Search_xxxx rule! ELP will convert the next two bytes after the searched string from its ASCII hex representation into the appropriate HEX character. the searched string will be erased |
HexWrapper | ok | BAS | Can only be used in a Search_xxxx rule which contains the above HexConvertion key. ELP will convert every next two bytes from it's hex notification into its Byte. The convertion is terminated after the character defined in the HexWrapper key is found. |
IllegalCharInFileName | ok | BAS | Especially when filenames are build from variable data, illegal characters like : or \ need to be replaced. The default replacement character is the _. But using this key, you can use any other character.Note. Do not define any illegal characters, this will cause an endless program loop |
IniFile | ok | BAS | Most likely used in printer sections. Switch to any other command file. Caution:
InSymbolset | ok | BAS | Enter any symbol set file, the provided file is for German conversion. |
KillJobsWithLessBytes | ok | BAS |
Some software applications for unknown reasons send several print jobs to the printer, but for example the first job does contain only one character, e.g. a Form Feed. Important: The maximum value of that key must be equal or less than the first Bytes read. Default is 4077 Bytes, can be increased to maximum 16384 using the key MAX_READBUFFER in the startup rules/sections. See next key for an example of a job with more then 16384 Bytes. This command can only be used the following startup rules/sections! |
KillJob | ok | BAS |
The actual job up to ELP_MAX_HEAP byte size wiped out of the memory. ELP functions need to be activated for this key. Example: [Kill any Job less then 200000 Bytes] ; Rule is activated for all print jobs having less then 200000 bytes, replace the <less-than> with < in the above line ; If you do not want to perform any other default Trigger rules, set this rule on top and exit the configuration |
Macro_Download | 1) 2) | BAS | Turns the macro download function on and off. In addition these other file commands are ignored: -o Command line parameter Download the Job_Init.mac file. ELP Commands: EE# and EB# |
Max_ReadBuffer | ok | BAS | Maximum buffer size for the read and search operation. Min 2048 (Default), Max 16384. Note: If there are quite a number of Search commands the default 2K may have a higher performance then a big buffer |
NoELPTestpages | ok | BAS | Disables parsing and filtering of <esc>**#M sequences. Default: OFF. If switched to ON the internal ELP test pages (for variables and bar code printing) won´t work anymore but <esc>**#M sequences will remain unmodified in the spool file. |
NoGraphicWrapIntoMacro | ok | BAS |
Due to internal reasons, all PCL graphic blocks are embedded in PCL macros.In very rare cases this must be turned off. Usually you will need the help of stethos to get advices, that this function is needed to be invoked. |
NoPrinting | ok | BAS | After set to ON, no output is generated. Use this to archive without printing. Note: When this queue never prints, then set the queue port to the local port NUL. So there must be no printer assigned and powered on. |
OnLoadErrorMacroID | 1) 2) | BAS | This key loads the provided form in case ELP does not find the required form named in the F or G ELP_Command definition. It can be used to indicate on the paper that a dynamic form is missing. |
OutFile_MaxLen | ok | BAS | Output of data will be stopped after the output file reached the defined amount of bytes. This key is mainly used to prevent recursive functionality. |
PassThrough | ok | BAS | If it is turned ON: All data will be sent from this point on binary without any changes to the output. Possible Values: ON/OFF |
PCLOptimize | ok | BAS | Turned off, the zero values in PCL5 escape sequences are not deleted. The default value is ON. |
PCLPreciseMode | ok | BAS | May only be used, in an Windows environment or Unix if data is provided via an input file AND PJL commands like UPDATE or FSDOWNLOAD are used, which is normally not the case |
PCL_X_POSITIONMOVE | ok | BAS | Inserts after every <esc>*pX and <esc>&aH the value of PCL_X_POSITIONMOVE in Dezidots in order to achieve a right shift if the value is above 0 and a left shift is the value is below 0 |
PCL_Y_POSITIONMOVE | ok | BAS | Inserts after every <esc>*pY and <esc>&aV the value of PCL_Y_POSITIONMOVE in Dezidots in order to achieve an up shift if the value is above 0 and a down shift is the value is below 0 |
PCL_X_Scaling | ok | BAS | Horizontal scaling factor for PCL data stream. |
PCL_Y_Scaling | ok | BAS | Vertical scaling factor for PCL data stream. |
PCL_ScalingMacros | ok | BAS | Turned off and PCL_X or PCL_Y_Scaling factors are used, they do not apply in ELP forms, the so called *.mac files |
PlanesInUse | ok | BAS | Currently we only support the value 1, which will print grayscale on LaserJet 5500, 4600 and 9500, even when the driver prints color. See also ELP_Command C1 and C2 for color management on page basis. |
PreParsing | 1) | BAS | This key can only be used in a section, which is triggered right at the process begin (GLOBAL, or printer name). It is used to enumerate the total amount of printed pages at job start, and stores the result into the variable #PREPARSEPAGECOUNT#. Default value: OFF |
RunThroughPreParser | ok | BAS | This key can only be used in the GLOBAL section. If the ELP voter for the data stream language fails, because for exampe of a Proprinter data stream, turn this key ON and the stream will be sent through the preparser. |
PreView | 1) | BAS | If turned on, the output data stream is converted to PDF and displayed. Please note, that the PDF files are stored in the folder Workpath\debug\<QUEUENAME> (e.g. c:\ProgramData\Welp\debug\<QUEUENAME>). If the protocol mode is enabled they will be automatically deleted after a retention period (default: after 4 days). |
PreView_NoPrint | 1) | BAS | Same like PreView, but nothing is printed. |
PrintOnlyASCII | ok | BAS | If turned on, ELP will only print the pure ASCII text and no PCL5 escape sequences.This key is mainly for evaluation. |
PrintQuality | ok | BAS | The printer will print the data stream using this quality: 1 Draft, 2 Normal, 3 High. This key needs PJL bounded data streams and is unfortunately not supported on all printers |
ProcessSearchKeys | ok | BAS | All the search keys will not only work on the first read data stream block (Variable Max_ReadBuffer), but also on the complete rest of the data stream. |
ReloadMacrosAbove | ok | BAS | Macros/Forms above this number are each time they are called embedded into the data stream. Value needs to be between 1 and 29999. Default 25000. Macros below will always be sent only once per job. |
REM | ok | BAS | Enter any text, for example to describe the action taken place in this segment |
RemoveDownLoadFont | ok | BAS | Deletes the complete soft font out of the data stream and replaces it with existing printer internal fonts. See online help for further details. (All ELP commands) |
RenderMode | ok | BAS | A color printer will print the data stream in those two modes. 1 Colour, 2 Gray scale. This key needs PJL bounded data streams and is supported on HP DesignJets. |
ReportLicense | ok | BAS | Command for larger ELP installations on various servers, have a look into the extra manual, which is not supplied with the default installation. |
ReStart | 5) | BAS | The key is only available if in the triggered rule an iniFile key is used and ELP is called with a provided input and output file. |
Reverse_Printing | 1) 2) | BAS | Turned on, the print out will appear in the reverse page order. |
Reverse_Printing_Duplex | 1) 2) | BAS | Only usable in conjunction with Reverse_Printing=ON. The reverse mode is changed from last to second last etc, to last - 1, last, last -3, last - 2 etc. Mainly used for reverse printing in duplex mode. |
SAP_Unicode | ok | UNI | ELP will convert all Unicode characters in the data stream to single bytes and therefore they can be printed without any additional hardware extensions in the printer. Default value: OFF |
DoubleByteConversion | ok | UNI | Set to ON ELP will enforce converting DoubeByte characters (e.g. Simplified Chinese) to Unicode regardingless if a conversion table (.def file in the workpath folder) is present or not. Default value: OFF |
SkipUntilEnd | ok | BAS | All data including the searched item is erased until and including the search text of this key is found. Should ony be used in a searched rule or searched and then SearchTrigger rule; |
Sleep | 1) 2) | BAS | Interrupts ELP for X seconds (max 240) at the end of the execution of triggred rule/section, or before the execution of the default rules: CallAtStartUp, CallAtFormFeed, CallAtEnd |
StopPrgEnd | 1) 2) | BAS | Once this key is found in the ini-file, the execution of ELP will stop right before the software ends and the enter key needs to be pressed onthe keyboard for the final exit. So the potential messages on the display can be read. Enable first in Admin Tab the Option "Show Execution Program". IMPORTANT: Never use this key without having the button "Show execution program" activated! Otherwise after each print job there will stay a invisible DOS box open, and can't be closed. Having done wrong, then you need to open the Task manager and kill all convert.exe processes, or if the server is already out of memory, reboot. Both, the key and the button enables the developer to see what is really going on during the execution of the convert.exe. Please note that Process User cannot be set to System in order to show the execution program |
UnicodeErrorChar | ok | UNI | Defines a character, which is printed during the Unicode conversion, if the requested Unicode character is not defined in the ELP database.The character can be provided in hex notation, e.g. \x24. Be sure to use a printable character in all requested symbol sets. |
UnicodeDoubleAsienCourier | ok | UNI | Is the function SAP_Unicode active and the Courier fonts are enhanced by an Asian dialect, ELP does add after each printed character a blank to extend the font to two spaces per Asian character. |
UniqueFileNameChar | ok | BAS | If postal optimization is turned off (default) ELP will generate unique file names when storing new files using a name for which a file name already exist. by default the character _ is used to add a unique file number to the file name. The separation character _ can be changed using this key |
WKDIR | ok | BAS | By default the path to the workpath folder c:\ProgramData\Welp is provided. This variable can be used to change the Working Directory path. For example one single ELP_Command brings on every document a letter head. But the letter head is different for each branch. So the WKDIR command can be used to set the macro path for each branch different, maybe using the queue name rule. WKDIR=#ELP_FORMS_PATH#BranchStuttgart |
Need help? How to get support! Debugging and Protocol keys
Debug_InData | ok | BAS | If turned on, then all incoming data is written to the file in_data.prn in the WorkPath directory. Possible Values: ON/OFF |
Debug_OutData | ok | BAS | If turned on, then all incoming data is written to the file out_data.prn in the WorkPath directory. Possible Values: ON/OFF |
InData_Filename | 1) | BAS |
When capturing the imcomming spool file using Debug_InData=ON the folder where it's stored is <WORKPATH>\Debug\<PRINTERNAME> and the filename Out_Data_<#DATESERIALLONG#>.prn |
OutData_Filename | 1) | BAS |
When capturing the outgoing spool file using Debug_OutData=ON the folder where it's stored is <WORKPATH>\Debug\<PRINTERNAME> and the filename Out_Data_<#DATESERIALLONG#>.prn |
HexOutput | ok | BAS | Once set in the rule GLOBAL or any search or triggered section, the output of the ELP Server is converted in a readable data stream. Possible Values: ON/OFF |
Log_Mode | ok | BAS |
Depending on the argument the report in LOG_FILE.TXT is: -2 same as -1 but also Kernel (convert) errors which are logged into the #ELP_FORMS_PATH#error.log text file are surpressed; -1 Nothing is done; 10 All error messages; 50 All performed data stream changes;100 Maximum report. Note: If the key Log_Mode_FileName is not set, the log file will be created for each print job in the folder #ELP_FORMS_PATH#debug\#PRINTERNAME# with the file name Log_file_#DATESERIALLONG#.txt. |
Log_Mode_FileName | ok | BAS |
Can only be used together with the key log_mode in the same section. If used, ELP will store the debugging data into the filename in the Workpath. The # character in file name definition is only allowed using valid Variables. In order to not erase an existing log file, add optional ;- to the file name. |
Log_Mode_FileName_UNIQUE | ok | BAS | If turned on, that a unique log_file is created. Does the file log_file.txt or any other with the Log_Mode_FileName key named file already exist in the given path, the next file will be named *filename*_1.txt, *filename*_2.txt etc. Each executed log_mode= statement in the configuration rules does increase the file counter value by one. |
OutFile_MaxLen | ok | BAS | Output of data will be stopped after the output file reached the defined amount of bytes. This key is mainly used to prevent recursive functionality |
PCLPreciseMode | ok | BAS | May only be used, in an Windows environment or Unix if data is provided via an input file AND PJL commands like UPDATE or FSDOWNLOAD are used, which is normally not the case |
Show_New_Text | ok | BAS | Dumps in the function Trigger_Windows_NEW the real compared ASCII-characters on the console.This is more a stethos internal key |
ShowSearchableText | 1) | BAS |
The key will help you to identify which text can be searched in your print jobs using the various search and trigger keys. When set ELP will not perform a printout, but generate a text file at <WORKPATH>\Debug\<PRINTERNAME>Out_Data_<DATESERIALLONG>.prn, which displays in any ASCII editor, such as Notepad, the text exactly the way it is found by ELP in the data stream. A different output file can be defined by using the key OutData_FileName in the section GLOBAL of the configuration file "PrintSearchText.ini" (which must be present in the <WORKPATH>).Usually there are 2 parts in that file. Both reflect the complete data stream. In the top half with the Search _NEW function, in the second half the pure Binary or Windows/Text search |
ShowSearchableText_OUTPUT | 1) | BAS | Defines which text types shall be written when using ShowSearchableText. This key can only be used in the section GLOBAL of ...\forms\PrintSearchText.ini More details here. |
ShowSearchableText_IGNOREPJL | 1) | BAS | Allows to suppress the PJL sequences when using ShowSearchableText. This key can only be used in the section GLOBAL of ...\forms\PrintSearchText.ini More details here. |
WritePreparseCache | 5) | BAS | This key also helps finding ELP execution errors. Turned on, ELP does write the modified data stream after the preparser into a temp file in the workpath folder. |
Encryption keys
Encrypt | 1) 2) | BAS | Once this key is used AND an encryption key is entered, the outgoing data stream will be encrypted. |
Encrypt_keys | ok | - | This key reflects the 64 bit encryption code. It is used to encrypt any received data stream and / or to decrypt the outgoing data stream (See key Encrypt). |
Compression | ok | BAS | This key can be used in any section. Once turned on, ELP will binary compress the outgoing data. You may need an ELP DIMM to uncompress the data in a printer. |
Variables keys Lists all available variables keys
ADIR_GetVariable | 1) | BAS | Group!Item; Read back one or all items from active directory groupWinNT://thomasxp1/InvoicePrinter reads all items for groupWinNT://thomasxp1/InvoicePrinter!datatype reads back the item data type, which is RAW for the ELP print processor |
Check_TelNo | ok | BAS | This function erases all non digit characters out of the content of the named variable. A + at the beginning is turned into 00. Example: +49 (7031) 860910 is turned into 00497031860910 |
Counter | ok | BAs | Every time when a section is activated through a SEARCH_ key (not Search_RowNo) and this COUNTER key is defined, the provided variable is incremented by default by 1 or any other positive/negative value which can be added after as semicolon: Counter=[#]VariableName[#][<Semicolon>StepValue] or Counter=[#]VariableName[#][<Semicolon>[*Value][+Value][/Value][-Value][%Value] |
Delete_Variable | ok | BAS | Deletes any, even ELP internal variables from the memory. If not provided the variable name is surrounded by # signs. |
GetEnvVariable | 1) 2) | BAS | Reads a value of an environment variable and stores it into an upper case ELP variable. #-signs are surrounded if missing |
JobCounter | ok | BAS | This key automatically creates the variable #JOB_COUNTER# holding the number which is read from the provided file name, incremented by one and immediately stored back.The value is then available for the next process |
PreParsing | 1) | BAS | This key can only be used in a section, which is triggered right at the process start (GLOBAL, or printer name).It is used to enumerate the total amount of printed pages at job begin, and stores the result into the variable #PREPARSEPAGECOUNT#. Default value: OFF |
Rename_Variable | ok | BAS | Changes the name of the first variable in fornt of the : into the new second given name. Missing # will be automatically added. |
RunThroughPreParser | 1) | BAS | This key can only be used in the GLOBAL section. If the ELP voter for the data stream language fails, because for exampe of a Proprinter data stream, turn this key ON and the stream will be sent through the preparser. Attention: Needs Preparsing=ON in order to work properly. |
SetEnvVariable | ok | BAS | NameOfEnvironmentVariable=#Value# Stores the provided text after the = character in the environment variable named as provided before the signNote: The environment is maybe limited to the time the ELP software is executed. |
Variable | ok | BAS | Various functions like LEFT(), RIGHT(), MIDSTR(), STRPOS(), STRREP() etc. can be used. Counters and much more. |
Variable_Encoding | ok | BAS | Is the content of the variables being read out of the executed rule/section encoded in the Unicode format, please add this key to the same rule.\n\Please notice, while replacing within a variables other variables with a mixture of symbol sets, is currently not supported. |
Variable_File | ok | BAS | Any file name which contains variable definitions to be loaded and used as a fill in field #VARNAME#. The file name or path may contain any previously collected variable. |
Variable_File_Encoding | ok | BAS | Is the variable conted of the loaded ASCII file (key Variable_File) encoded in the Unicode format, then add this key to the same rule. Encoding=Unicode |
Variables_Store | ok | BAS | If a valid filename (file is created in the forms path) or full path including device and filename is provided, all available variables, or the provided semicolon separated ones, are stored into this file at the end of the conversion run. The filename may contain any ELP collected variable |
Accounting keys
Accounting | ok | PLU | If turned ON: For each job a documentation is written into the account file. Possible Values: ON/OFF |
ACC_File | ok | - | Enter the full path to the accounting file like \\server\directory\File or c:\... or just a file name, if the data should be stored into the working directory |
ACC_StoreValues | ok | - | Enter any valid variable names, separated by the field separation character. For dbase files enter the field names. In Unicode encoding single byte arguments, like file delimiter need to be used with the HEX(\x) command. |
ACC_TYPE | ok | - | Enter the type of accounting file: 0 -> CSV file (default); 1 -> Dbase file; 2 -> CSV file like 1 but in Windows Unicode |
ARCHIVING keys for controlling the archiving functions
InArchiveDir | ok | SND | Enter the full path to the archive directory or any UNC path like \\server\sharename to where the incoming data stream shall be stored: #ELP_FORMS_PATH#archive\ #USERNAME#;#PRINTDOCNAME#_#DATESERIALLONG# |
OutArchiveDir | ok | SND | Enter the full path to the archive directory or UNC path like \\server\sharename to where the outgoing data stream shall be stored. Add semicolon and filename e.g. with variables for specific file names: #ELP_FORMS_PATH#archive\ #USERNAME#;#PRINTDOCNAME#_#DATESERIALLONG# |
CloseArchivesBeforeCall | ok | - | Set this key, if you would like to have access to the actual with OutArchiveDir stored data streams Maybe for resending it in a sorted order to a port. |
CloseArchivesBeforeInsert | ok | - | Set this key, if you would like to have access to the actual with OutArchiveDir stored data streams. Maybe for resending it in a sorted order to a port. |
DoNotPrintDataStream | ok | BAS | Only usable with CallReadback, InsertPrintFilesAtJobEnd[DoNothing] or specific ELP_Commands as EE or EX. The print stream is processed using all applied rules, but is NOT printed out. Only the after processing commands generate print output. |
OutArchiveSplitFiles | 1) 2) | SND | Use only in conjunction with the key OutArchiveDir and the ELP split file functionality.Once the split sequence is detected, the outgoing job is stored in a unique file name.Up to 64000 single split files can be generated |
SplitAfterEachCopy | 1) 2) | SND | This key is only usable with the command keys OutArchiveDir or OutPort and the ELP_Command copy option K#;. Turned on, the job is split after each copy. |
SplitEveryPage | 1) 2) | SND | Only usable for splitting files using the OutPort and OutArchiveDir methods. ELP does automatically split every page of the job into a single print job |
SplitCmdInStream | 1) 2) | SND | If set the datastream will be split in the archive. The split sequence \x1B)s-997Z is already provided in the datastream |
OutArchivePostalOptimized | 1) 2) | SND | Use only in conjunction with the key OutArchiveDir and a provided additional filename in the OutArchiveDir command.Once set to ON, ELP will not anymore generate unique file names, but in addition add the job to an already existing stored job(s) |
OutArchiveOnlyOneCopy | 1) 2) | SND | Use only in conjunction with the keys OutPort and OutArchiveDir and the ELP_Command copy factor K#. Once set to ON, ELP will only store one copy into the archive file, even the ELP command K# may define several copies |
DoNotInitializeNewSplitStream | 1) 2) | SND | Use only in conjunction with the keys OutPort and OutArchiveDir and splitting files. This key set to ON will advice ELP to add NO initialisation at front of the next part. Should be used if the splitting takes place direct in front of an UEL statement, e.g. Split each copy. |
OutPortMode_CollectFonts | 1) 2) | SND | Only usable for splitting files using the OutPort and OutArchiveDir methods. ELP collects all fonts and inserts them at the beginning of the next part. To work proper don't use the key FastMacroLoading=ON |
ArchiveDays | 1) | SND | Data streams older than the given days are automatically erased. |
ArchiveExt | 1) 2) | SND | File extension for archived print data stream. |
ArchiveFileNameWithoutDate | 1) 2) | SND | If this key is used in the same section as the IN- or OUTArchiveDir key and it is set to ON, ELP will not add the time stamp to the file name |
ArchiveHPSFile | 1) 2) | SND | Filename.hps; Enter any filename of an definition file, located in the working directory. Any other text based index file can also be used (e.g. xml). Important. Does only work in conjunction with the OutArchiveDir command. |
ArchiveMode | 1) | SND | This key defines the type of files which are stored in the archive directory: 0 Only Data Stream or definition of key PDF_MODE; 1 PDF File is generated, print file and PDF file are stored; 2 only PDF file is stored, print file is erased. |
ArchiveSignature | 1) | SND | Directory Semicolon Directory Semicolon Time;The directories define the receiving and the returning directories for the PDF signing software, after every delay time period ELP will check for the result PDF file |
PDF_Mode | 1) | PDF and or TIFF |
0 : Do no conversion; 1 : Convert OutData to send via e-mail; 2 : Generate PDF of incoming data in the archive; 4 : Generate PDF of outgoing data in archive; 32:To generate PDF to be send out via fax, or TIFF by e-Mail/Fax; 64: Generate Tiff in archive from incoming data stream; 128: Generate Tiff in archive from outgoing data stream. Add 16 if only PDF is stored in Archive. See also keys TIFF_Arguments and the file PDFConf.ini in the Workpath folder C:\ProgramData\Welp When needing multiple different ways of archiving the PDF_Mode must be determined for all possible combinations. The final archiving sections need to be executed after the required PDF_Mode was determined. |
PDF_Arguments | 1) | Additional arguments which are passed to the PDF converter. Note: The supplied arguments are added to the default arguments specified in the PDFConf.ini stored in the Workpath folder. |
TIFF_Arguments | 1) | TIFF | Additional arguments which are passed to the TIFF converter. It is highly recommended to use minimum the provided options for TIFF conversion. |
InsertPrintFilesAtFormFeed | 1) 2) | SND | Any matched files from the given archive directory are inserted after the next FormFeed and deleted if they are not read only. IMPORTANT NOTE: All jobs must fit into the RAM of the PC |
InsertPrintFilesNow | 1) 2) | SND | Any matched files from the given archive directory are inserted. IMPORTANT NOTE: As each job is separately loaded, only one job at time must fit into the RAM of the PC. |
InsertPrintFilesAtJobEnd | 1) 2) | SND | Any matched files from the given archive directory are inserted and deleted at the end of the job, if they are not read only. The action is performed right before the ELP EE### command IMPORTANT NOTE: As each job is loaded separately, only one job at a time must fit into the RAM of the PC |
InsertPrintFilesAtJobEndDoNothing | 1) 2) | SND | Same functionality as key above, but the data stream is passed through and does not run anymore through the ELP process |
IllegalCharInFileName | ok | BAS | Especially when filenames are build from variable data, illegal characters like : or \ need to be replaced. The default replacement character is the _. But using this key, you can use any other character. Note: Do not define any illegal characters, this will cause an endless program loop |
UniqueFileNameChar | ok | BAS | If postal optimization is turned off (default) ELP will generate unique file names when storing new files using a name for which a file name already exist. By default the character _ is used to add a unique file number to the file name. The separation character _ can be changed using this key. |
WriteNow | ok | SND | Path\FileName.ext<Semicolon>Text to write ELP generates or adds to the named file the output text. The Text may contain ELP variables. The maximal text length after replacement is 4095 bytes. The text is written immediately at the time the rule is executed. For text files you may add \x0D\x0A for carriage return and line feed. You may use several WriteNow keys in one rule. |
JOB DISTRIBUTION keys for controlling the distribution functions
InPort | 1) | SND | Enter any reachable port, where the incoming data should be sent, #PCNAME#\QueueShareName or \\PCNAME\QueueShareName or \\\QueueShareName or #PCNAME#\QueueShareName or \\#HOSTNAME#\QueueShareName. If you want to resend the job to the same queue, use the variable. #PRINTERSHARENAME# |
OutPort | 1) | SND | Enter any reachable port, where the outgoing data should be sent. #PCNAME#\QueueShareName or \\PCNAME\QueueShareName or \\\QueueShareName or #PCNAME#\QueueShareName or \\#HOSTNAME#\QueueShareName. If you want to resend the job to the same queue, use the variable. #PRINTERSHARENAME# You may add a semicolon and behind a unique job initialization. See here for more details. |
ClosePortsBeforeCall | 1) | Set this key to ON, if the job distribution should be stopped before the Call[NoPrint] commands. | |
ClosePortsBeforeInsert | 1) | Set this key to ON, if the job distribution should be stopped before the InsertAtJobEnd[DoNothing] command. This key will prevend that loaded files are inserted into the distributed data stream. | |
CloseArchivesBeforeCall | 1) 2) | - | Set this key, if you would like to have access to the actual with OutArchiveDir stored data stream. Maybe for resending it in a sorted order to a port. |
PortCoverSheet | 1) | - | Once this key is defined and OutPort splitting is performed, the provided macro is called as a cover sheet right before every new split job. Insert a semicolon and add any needed initialisation PCL sequences, like paper in and out tray selections. |
OutPortMode_CollectFonts | 1) | - | Only usable for splitting files using the OutPort method. ELP collects all fonts and inserts them at the beginning of the next part. To work proper don't use the key FastMacroLoading=ON |
DoNotInitializeNewSplitStream | 1) 2) | - | Use only in conjunction with the keys OutPort and OutArchiveDir and splitting files. This key set to ON will advice ELP to add NO initialisation at front of the next part. Should be used if the splitting takes place direct in front of an UEL statement, e.g. split each copy. |
SplitAfterEachCopy | 1) 2) | This key is only usable with the command keys OutArchiveDir or OutPort and the ELP_Command copy option K#;. Turned on, the job is split after each copy. | |
SplitEveryPage | 1) | - | Only usable for splitting files using the Outport method. ELP automatically splits every page of the job into a single print job |
SplitCmdInStream | 1) | - | If set the data stream will be split to the named outport. The split sequence \x1B)s-997Z is already provided in the data stream. |
Distribute_CallOnChange | 1) | - | net send #USERNAME# Job printed at #VAR_DISTRIBUTE_PORT#. If due to a Distribute_FileSize or _PageCount command the print job is moved to another queue / port / file then ELP can call any external application. The provided example code sends a message back to the user right at the time the print job is forwarded to another printer. |
Distribute_Section | 1) | SND | Enter the name of the section, which contains the distribute option keys. |
Distribute_FileSize | 1) | - | Can only be used in a section named in the key: Distribute_Section: If the file size of the print job (in Bytes) is larger than this number, the job is sent to the requested port, and the print file is erased. |
Distribute_PageCount | 1) | - | If the number of pages of this print job is larger than the number, the job is sent to the requested port, and the print file is erased. |
Call | 1) 2) | SND | Enter any valid command line call, like "LPR -S ....". Add semicolon and the word OFF and variables will be replaced without surrounding "". |
CallNoPrint | 1) 2) | SND | Same like key CALL, but not print data will be returned, so nothing is printed. The same function like NoPrinting=ON |
1) 2) | SND | Enter any valid command line call. Add Semicolon and the word OFF and variables will be replaced without surrounded "" | |
CallReadBack | 1) 2) | SND | Enter any file name which is inserted into the data stream after a CALL command is executed and ended. |
CallAtStartUp | 1) 2) | SND | Enter any valid command line call, like "edit mytext.txt ....". This key is used for example to insert an ini file into the data stream. See Project Accounting and Example rule based Job Ticketing |
CallNow | 1) 2) | SND | As key call, but this is not executed at the end of the software execution, instead it is executed at the time the key is found in an activated searched or triggered rule |
CallVisible | 1) | SND | All CALL commands are usually executed silent and invisible in the back ground. But just in case they need a user interaction, then turn this command ON. The command is used with PJ_notify.exe and avoids to switch back to the system console. Must be in the same section as the call command! |
CallDoNotWait | 1) | SND | ELP will start the execution of the requested Call command and will continue direct without waiting for any result from the called software. Must be in the same section as the call command! |
Call_via_PJ_Notify | 1) | SND | The called process / software is started under the user rights of the logged in user on the ELP server / PC. Is no user logged in, ELP does execute the Call command invisible under the user system. Must be in the same section as the call command! |
CloseArchivesBeforeCall | ok | - | Set this key if you would like to have access to the actual with OutArchiveDir stored data stream. Maybe for resending it in a sorted order to a port. |
DoNotProcessIncomingStream | ok | - | Does not process the original incoming data stream, instead the returned stream of the CallAtStartUp key is processed. Note: the returned stream size limit is 62550 Bytes. |
Max_ReadBuffer | ok | - | Maximum buffer size for the read and search operation. Min 2048 (Default), Max 16384. Note: If only few Search_<xxx> Commands are performed on the data stream, a big buffer may lead into a higher performance. |
Split_Section | 1) | SND | Naming any triggered section. This section defines the split percentage and printer share names. |
SplitPageCounter | 1) | - | Provide the name which holds the total page number of the job, gathered by the pre-process search and count rule. |
Split1 | 1) | - | Definition of the first strip size. Here e.g. 50% of the total job page count. |
Split2 | 1) | - | Definition of the second strip size. |
Split3 | 1) | - | Definition of the third strip size. |
Split4 | 1) | - | Definition of the fourth strip size. |
Split5 | 1) | - | Definition of the fifth strip size. |
Split6 | 1) | - | Definition of the sixth strip size |
Safe Monitored Printing keys Lists
Monitored_Printing_section | 1) | SND | Enter any name of a new section, which will contain all key settings needed to setup the rules how to monitor the printer for printing |
ColorPageCount_MIB | 1) | - | This key is only used if the printer does not use the same MIB address as Hewlett-Packard and Ricoh do for their printers! This key is only valid in a section defined by the Monitored_Printing_section key. |
DeviceState_MIB | 1) | - | This key is only used if the printer does not use the same MIB address as Hewlett-Packard and Ricoh do for their printers! This key is only valid in a section defined by the Monitored_Printing_section key. |
DuplexPageCount_MIB | 1) | - | This key is only used if the printer does not use the same MIB address as Hewlett-Packard and Ricoh do for their printers! This key is only valid in a section defined by the Monitored_Printing_section key. |
IgnoreWarnings | 1) | - | Turned on: ignorable printer warnings are skipped at the beginning of the job or even if they show up during printing. |
OnConnnectLostExit | 1) | - | When connection to the printer is lost (power off / network problems) continue printing after the waiting time via Windows queue. In this case, the job can be aborted |
OnDoneSendeMail | 1) | - | If set and the job is printed completely, ELP will send immediately a job end notification via e-mail to the e-mail addresses named in the keys value.This key is only valid in a section defined by the Monitored_Printing_section key |
OnDoneSendeMailSubjectText | 1) | - | Text for the subject field of the OK e-mail, variables can be used. |
OnDoneSendeMailBodyText | 1) | - | Text for the body text of the OK e-mail, variables can be used. |
OnDoneSendNetMessage | 1) | - | If set and the job is printed completely, ELP will send immediately a job end notification via "Net Send" to the owner of the job.This key is only valid in a section defined by the Monitored_Printing_section key |
OnDoneCallExternal | 1) | - | If a job was successfully send to the printer call any external software like batch files, variables can be used. |
OnErrorArchiveJob | 1) | - | If the problem is not fixed after the Wait Time, the job will be sent to an archive and is ERASED!You may use any variable similar to the OutArchiveDir key.This key is only valid in a section defined by the Monitored_Printing_section key |
OnErrorCallExternal | 1) | - | If the problem is not fixed after the Wait Time is over call any external software like batch files, variables can be used. |
OnErrorEraseJob | 1) | - | If the problem is not fixed after the Wait Time, the complete job is simply without any further notification ERASED! This key is only valid in a section defined by the Monitored_Printing_section key |
OnErrorJobStartWaitTime | 1) | - | Wait time in seconds for the printing process, when a printer error is detected before the first page is printed. Like Paper out or printer down. This key is only valid in a section defined by the Monitored_Printing_section key |
OnErrorMoveJob | 1) | - | If the problem is not fixed after the Wait Time, the complete job will be sent to a new port and ERASED! You may use any variable similar to the OutPort key. This key is only valid in a section defined by the Monitored_Printing_section key |
OnErrorSendeMail | 1) | - | If set and a printer problem occurs, ELP will immediately send a notification via "e-mail" to the provided addresses. This key is only valid in a section defined by the Monitored_Printing_section key |
OnErrorSendNetMessage | 1) | - | If set and a printing problem occurs, ELP will send immediately a notification via "Net Send" to the owner of the job. This key is only valid in a section defined by the Monitored_Printing_section key |
OnErrorWaitTime | 1) | Wait time in seconds for the printing process, after a printer error is detected. Like Paper out or printer down. This key is only valid in a section defined by the Monitored_Printing_section key | |
PrinterState_MIB | 1) | - | This key is only used, if the printer does not use the same MIB address as Hewlett-Packard and Ricoh do for their printers! This key is only valid in a section defined by the Monitored_Printing_section key |
SendNextErrorAfterXMins | 1) | - | After an error applied, this queue will not send out any other error message for the next X minutes. This command should only be used, if always the same person gets those kind of error information. |
SleepMode_MIB | 1) | - |
This key is only used if the printer does not use the same MIB address as Hewlett-Packard and Ricoh do for their printers! This key is only valid in a section defined by the Monitored_Printing_section key |
TotalPageCount_MIB | 1) | - | This key is only used if the printer does not use the same MIB address as Hewlett-Packard and Ricoh do for their printers! This key is only valid in a section defined by the Monitored_Printing_section key |
EMULATION keys Lists all available keys for activating an emulation
Cobrabox_EMULATION | ok | BAR | Turns the Cobra-Box bar code emulation on. Possible values: ON/OFF |
Cobrabox_INIT | ok | - | PCL Init String; This string is used to initialize the Cobra Box bar code data stream |
Cobrabox_LeadingCharacter | ok | - | \x1B; Initialization character for the COBRA Box bar code sequence, usually the escape sign. |
Cobrabox_StringTerminator | ok | - | Character which is used to mark the end of the bar code encoded data. |
Printronix Emulation PGL & VGL
PrintronixEmulation_VGL | ok | EMU | This key in position ON will tell the ELP system to check incoming data for Printronix VGL data streams. Add a section PRINTRONIX for further commands |
PrintronixEmulation_PGL | ok | EMU | This key in position ON will tell the ELP system to check incoming data for Printronix PGL data streams. Add a section PRINTRONIX for further commands |
PR_BarcodeScaleFactor | ok | - | Please enter the bar code scaling factor. Note some printers do have a different resolution, so in general the barcodes may become over all too narrow. With this key you may increase or reduce the default barcodes width |
PR_CC_Char | ok | - | Sets the default Printronix command character, usually ~ or ^ |
PR_CC_TextChar | ok | - | Sets the default Printronix character for text encapsulation, usually backslash |
PR_EachFormOnOnePage | ok | - | Turned ON, ELP will print each executed form on a separate page, otherwise ELP will try to fit as many forms as possible on one A4 page |
PR_FormFeed_Mode | ok | - | Turned on, the page will be feeded with a FormFeed instead of the PCL page eject command. This enables ELP to add additional forms or any other page oriented ELP_Commands. |
PR_HorMove | ok | - | Horizontal offset value, which will move the complete print to the right or using a negative values also to the left side of the page. 720 units are equal to 2.54 cm |
PR_HorScale | ok | - | Horizontal scaling factor, 100 = 100%, no scaling |
PR_Init | ok | - | This string will be used for initialisation of the printer when a VGL data stream is detected. Use only in section PRINTRONIX |
PR_PageInit | ok | - | This string will be used for initialisation of each printed page. Use only in section PRINTRONIX |
PR_PageYSize | ok | - | Vertical physical (= printable) page size. Is only needed to check when several forms are printed on one page, if the next one fits as wellDefault size is for A3 landscape |
PR_ScaleMode | ok | - | Defines the positioning mode1 (default) All positioning in dots0 CP.DP Positioning |
PR_Symbolset | ok | - | This string defines the default symbol set: IBM PC-850: 10U ISO 8859 Latin 2: ON MS Windows: 19U and any other symbol set listed in the PCL technical reference manual. |
PR_VerMove | ok | - | Vertical offset value, which will move the complete print down or using a negative values also up the page. 720 units are equal to 2.54 cm |
PR_VerScale | ok | - | Vertical scaling factor, 100 = 100%, no scaling |
VGL_STD_FontType | ok | - | Definition for standard font in VGL emulation: 4099 = Courier, 4102 = Letter Gothic. |
VGL_STD_FontStroke | ok | - | Definition for standard font stroke in VGL emulation: 0 = Normal, 3 = Bold. |
Epson Emulation
EpsonEmulation | ok | EMU | This key in position ON will tell the ELP system to check incoming data for EPSON data streams, and convert it to PCL |
Epson_Init | ok | - | This string will be used for initialisation of the printer when EPSON is enabled detected. Use only in section EPSON |
EPSON_Basic_Y_Distance | ok | - | Usually 180 or 216. Value defines the basic distance for the ESC J command (Advance print position vertically). Default is 216 units per inch. |
Epson_FullFontSelectionMode | ok | - | ;Default: ON. Suppresses to include the full font selection sequence when Bold or Italic is selected. This may lead to conversion mistakes, in case the stream has to be scaled to fit on the page. The scaling can then be done in PCL (PCL_Y/X_Scaling). |
Epson_StartUp_CPI | ok | - | This key can be used in addition to the Epson_init key, if the emulation needs to be set to a special startup cpi value, usually 10 or 12 cpi |
Epson_XScale | ok | - | Horizontal scaling factor, 100 = 100%, no scaling |
Epson_YScale | ok | - | Vertical scaling factor, 100 = 100%, no scaling |
Epson_SetUnit | ok | - | Sets the units for the print position. Default is 60. Sometimes also 30. See Epson manual for further details. |
Epson_YScaleVMI | ok | - | Scaling factor for vertical motion index (VMI) commands, 100 = 100%, no scaling |
PDF, TIFF, Philips, Hex and CALS Data stream convertion
PDF2PS_Enable | 1) | EMU | Default: Any Adobe PDF file is converted to PostScript. OFF will pass the data unchanged through ELP. |
PDF2PS_Arguments | 1) | - | See link above which arguments are available to set the output environment of the job. Add always -q |
TIFF2PS_Enable | 1) | EMU | Default: Any TIFF file is converted to Postscript. OFF will pass the data unchanged through ELP. |
TIFF2PS_Arguments | 1) | - | See link above which arguments are available to set the output environment of the job |
PhilipsEmulation | 1) | EMU | Emulation was made for a dedicated customer with limited functionality |
HexOutput | BAS | Once set in the rule GLOBAL or any search or triggered section, the output of the ELP server is converted in a readable data stream. Possible Values: ON/OFF | |
CALS2TIFF_StartDef | 1) | SND | See CALS manual or open your CALS data stream and find out which declaration is the first CALS command key |
Proprinter Emulation PPDS
PPDS_Enable | ok | EMU | This key in position ON will tell the ELP system to check incoming data for IBM (TM) PPDS data streams and convert it to PCL. Add a section PPDS for further commands |
PPDS_AUTO_CR | ok | - | If set, ESC J will perform a CR as well |
PPDS_BarcodeRemoveStartStop | ok | - | Possible values: 0 do nothing; 1 skip first character, 2 skip last characher, 3 skip first and last character of the provided bar code information. |
PPDS_DefaultBarcodeTextPos | ok | - | Turned ON the bar code will be printed with readable text below. |
PPDS_DefaultBarcodeXScale | ok | - | Is the bar code width wrong emulated, this key can be used to adapt the correct width, example: 0,50 reduces the bar code width down to 50%. |
PPDS_DefaultBarcodeYScale | ok | - | Is the bar code height wrong emulated, this key can be used to adapt the correct height, example: 1,25 increases the bar code height by 25%. |
PPDS_Init | ok | - | This string will be used for initialisation of the printer when PPDS is enabled detected. Use only in section PPDS |
PPDS_XScale | ok | - | Horizontal scaling factor, 100 = 100%, no scaling |
PPDS_YScale | ok | - | Vertical scaling factor, 100 = 100%, no scaling |
PPDS_FormFeedMode | ok | - | If not available or turned OFF, ELP's PPDS emulation will turn any found FormFeed into the PCL escape sequence for feed page. turned ON, ELP will leave the FormFeed in the data stream |
PPDS_OnErrorExit | ok | - | If not available or turned ON, ELP's PPDS emulation will exit on any unknown found escape sequence.Turned OFF, ELP will ignore unknown sequences. |
PPDS_PaperTray0 to 9 | ok | - | Defines which Media Type is used, when the PPDS data stream asks to draw paper from a certain paper tray. |
PPDS_XMove | ok | - | For PPDS emulation only the definition for the horizontal origin of the coordinate system. Value can be negative |
PPDS_YMove | ok | - | For PPDS emulation only the definition for the vertical origin of the coordinate system. Value can be negative |
Kyocera Prescribe Emulation
Prescribe | ok | FOR or BAR | If turned ON, ELP's Prescribe emulation will turn convert as much as implemented all PreScribe commands into PCL code, especially all barcode commands.Settings need to be defined in the section PRESCRIBE. To license the FOR module is requested, if no bar codes are used, otherwise please license the BAR modul. |
Pre_AddBlankBetweenTwoCallVariables | ok | - | When set to ON it will insert a blank between two Prescribe CALL variables. Default value: OFF |
Pre_DefaultFontNumber | ok | - | Default ELP uses the font with ID 8 which is Prestige in 12 cpi. With that key you may set any other font at startup and in the RES command. |
Pre_Dutch | ok | - | Defines the T font parameter, which is used for Prescribes Dutch font selection. This is for compatibility for printers having no Helvetica fonts. |
Pre_EraseAll | ok | - | Turned on, all Prescribe commands will be erased from the data stream. Therefore a conversion is not done. |
Pre_FormFeedMode | ok | - | Once turned on Form Feeds within prescribe data streams are printed, by default between !R! and EXIT; this character is illegal and therefore waved. |
Pre_HP_OZ_HMI_Mode | ok | - | In case the space sign width of a proportional font is set by the Prescribe SFA command, and it runs 50% short, then this HP internal printer incompatibility fix can be turend off. |
Pre_IgnoreBottomMargin | ok | - | Turned on, the PreScribe emulation of ELP ignores any set bottom margin. |
Pre_IgnoreSROSize | ok | - | When set to ON ELP will not put the bitmap size to the PCL output. Default value: OFF. |
Pre_Init | ok | - | Enter any PCL commands, which is send as an initialisation string right in front of the complete job. |
Pre_Init_at_first_!R! | ok | Enter any PCL commands, which is sent to printer right at the first time the Prescibe is executed with !R! | |
Pre_Init_Unit | ok | - | Start-up value for the Prescribe UNIT command: I (Default without key) Inch, C Centimeter, P Point, D Pixel |
Pre_Init_UOM | ok | - | Default value of the UOM Parameter, possible values: 96, 100, 120, 144, 150, 160, 180, 200, 255, 240, 288, 300, 360, 400, 450, 480, 600, 720, 800, 900, 1200, 1440, 1800, 2400, 3600, 7200 |
Pre_XScale | ok | - | Horizontal scaling factor for Prescribe emulation, 100 = 100%, no scaling |
Pre_YScale | ok | - | Vertical scaling factor for Prescribe emulation, 100 = 100%, no scaling |
Pre_XMove | ok | - | For Prescribe emulation the definition for the horizontal origin of the portrait coordinate system. Value can be negative |
Pre_yMove | ok | - | For Prescribe emulation the definition for the vertical origin of the portrait coordinate system. Value can be negative |
Pre_XMove_Landscape | ok | - | For Prescribe emulation the definition for the horizontal origin of the landscape coordinate system. Value can be negative. If both Landscape values are 0 the portrait setting is used |
Pre_yMove_Landscape | ok | - | For Prescribe emulation the definition for the vertical origin of the landscape coordinate system. Value can be negativeIf both Landscape values are 0 the portrait setting is used |
Pre_CASS0 TO $ | ok | - | Enter the media type for the paper tray. Alternatively the mapping can be realized with the key ELP_Command |
Pre_PSRC0 TO 6 and 99 | ok | - | Enter the media type for the paper tray. Alternatively the mapping can be realized with the key ELP_Command |
Pre_PushCursorFix | ok | - | Error recovery if macros contain more SPC than RPP commands. Once turned on, all open Push cursor will be popped after returning form the first CALL command. Note: This may cause wrong output |
Pre_DELM_StopsMacroRecording | ok | - | Due to a customer bug, if turned on, and DELM command will stop within a macro recoding the recording. Default is OFF |
Pre_FTMD | ok | - | Preset value of the FTMD parameter. Defines how font selections are treated. Default 15 |
Pre_7BitUpperSymbolSet | ok | - | Enter a symbol set sequence, which is used in 7bit Prescribe symbol sets for characters above ASCII 127. |
Pre_Perform_Page_Commands | ok | Turned on, ELP does interpret the Prescribe SPL command, otherwise the command is ignored | |
Pre_QueueDedicatedFPROFile | ok | - | Turned on, each print queue does have its own FRPO settings. By default (OFF) all queues do use one common file: FRPO.VAR. |
Pre_StoreFonts | ok | - | Stores the font definitions of the GENF command in an external file. Therefore the settings are available for following jobs.The purpose is to save the definitions for following jobs, as they are in the printers memory. |
Pre_SFNTMap | ok | - | This key can only be used in a section, which is triggered right at the process begin (GLOBAL, or printer name). Naming any section which defines mapping of soft fonts via Fontname. |
Pre_DontStoremacros | ok | - | All used macros are ALWAYS(!) defined in the data stream, There is no need to store them on the hard disk or printer flash. |
Pre_Staple1 | ok | - | Prescribe staple command 1, which is converted using this key into a stapling command for your output device. See ELP_Commmand T#; or open the file stapling.ini; |
Pre_Staple2 | ok | - | Prescribe staple command 2, which is converted using this key into a stapling command for your output device. See ELP_Commmand T#; or open the file stapling.ini; |
Pre_Staple3 | ok | - | Prescribe staple command 3, which is converted using this key into a stapling command for your output device. See ELP_Commmand T#; or open the file stapling.ini; |
Pre_Staple50 | ok | - | Prescribe staple command 50, which is converted using this key into a stapling command for your output device. See ELP_Commmand T#; or open the file stapling.ini; |
Pre_Staple51 | ok | - | Prescribe staple command 51, which is converted using this key into a stapling command for your output device. See ELP_Commmand T#; or open the file stapling.ini; |
Pre_Staple52 | ok | - | Prescribe staple command 52, which is converted using this key into a stapling command for your output device. See ELP_Commmand T#; or open the file stapling.ini; |
Pre_Staple53 | ok | - | Prescribe staple command 53, which is converted using this key into a stapling command for your output device. See ELP_Commmand T#; or open the file stapling.ini; |
Pre_Staple54 | ok | - | Prescribe staple command 54, which is converted using this key into a stapling command for your output device. See ELP_Commmand T#; or open the file stapling.ini; |
Pre_StoreMacrosToFlash | 4) | - | Key is only used by the Ricoh ELP Printer firmware extension. All Prescribe macros etc. are stored into the Flash part of a printer running IBS from an SD card device. After power off, all macros etc. are lost! |
Pre_Swiss | ok | - | Defines the T font parameter, which is used for Prescribe Swiss font selection. This is for compatibility for printers having no Helvetica fonts |
Pre_SymbolSet | ok | - | Enter any start-up symbol set number, like 14 -> ISO Latin 1, or 241 -> IBM PC8, see the PCL or Prescribe technical reference manual for further information. You may also use FRPO parameter U6 and U7 |
Pre_TextEndsAtLineEnd | ok | - | Bug fixing: A client does not have the Text-End-Ccharacter and also not the semicolon at the end of a TEXT line. At next CR or LF character, the text is automatically terminated |
Pre_TopMargin | ok | - | Default printer top unprintable margin. Can be set also with FRPO parameters A1 or A2, influences MZP and other Prescribe commands |
Pre_TopMarginAMCR | ok | - | Default top unprintable margin in decidots (720 units per inch or 2.41 cm) when calling overlays with the AMCR command; |
Pre_LeftMargin | ok | - | Default printer left unprintable margin. |
Pre_LeftMarginAMCR | ok | - | Default left unprintable margin in decidots (720 units per inch or 2.41 cm) when calling overlays with the AMCR command |
Pre_WriteOut | ok | - | stethos internal only |
DHL Emulaton
DHL_Emulation | ok | FOR | A special emulation for DHL Sweden. |
E-mail and fax keys Lists all available keys for controlling the e-mail functionality
Enable_eMail | 1) | SND | Enables e-mail functionality |
ArchiveSignature | 1) |
Directory Semicolon Directory Semicolon Time; The directories define the receiving and the returning directories for the PDF signing software, after every delay time period ELP will check for the result PDF file. |
eMailFromAdress | 1) | - | If this key is used ELP will use this e-mail address to send e-mails. It will override the entry "EMailFromAdress" in MailConf.ini. Variables can be used. Applies only to e-mails sent when a print job / converted job is sent via e-mail. Admin and error e-mails are still sent via the address provided by MailConf.ini. |
eMailAdress | 1) | - | Any valid default e-mail address or several addresses, separated with comma. Note: Key ENABLE_E-MAIL must be turned ON. You can also use variables in order to search the names in the data stream |
eMailCCAdress | 1) | - | Same as key e-MailAdress, only addresses are used for the cc e-mail command Note: You need to define minimum one address in the key e-MailAdress, otherwise no e-mail will be sent |
eMailSubject | 1) | - | Any text for the subject text including variables if needed |
eMailBodyFile | 1) | - | Enter the filename for the e-mail body text. You may use ELP variables in that file |
eMailOnlyOneCopy | 1) | - | Turned ON ELP will just mail the first copy of the outgoing data stream (=Original). |
eMailLog | 1) | - | Turn on if ELP should generate a file LOG_E-MAIL.TXT in the workpath folder and records all sent e-mails. |
eMailArguments | 1) | - | The default text turns the debugging mode of BLAT on, but you may enter whatever you need to add to the blat command line (Turn the "Show Execution Program" on to see the result); |
eMailAttachmentFileName | 1) | - | By default a random file name is used. However, you may define here any valid file name including ELP variables. If eMails can be sent from several Queues simultaneously, make sure, that the filenames are unique! Do NOT use .PDF extension, if converted PDF files are attached |
PDF_Mode | 1) | 0 : Do no conversion; 1 : Convert OutData to send via e-mail; 2 : Generate PDF of incoming data in the archive; 4 : Generate PDF of outgoing data in archive; 32:To generate PDF to be send out via faxAdd 16 if only PDF is stored in Archive. If PDF_Mode is set before in archiving, the key is not read anymore. Solution: Set in archiving also the PDF_mode, usually add 1. | |
PDF_Arguments | 1) | Additional arguments which are passed to the PDF converter Note: The supplied arguments are added to the default arguments specified in the PDFConf.ini stored in the Workpath folder. |
Multiroll keys Lists all available keys for controlling the Multiroll selection of HP large format printers
MULTIROLL_1 | ok | BAS | Paper width in mm of multiroll 1 |
MULTIROLL_2 | ok | BAS | Paper width in mm of multiroll 2 |
MULTIROLL_3 | ok | BAS | Paper width in mm of multiroll 3 |
TrayMap (Change easily the input papertray)
TRAYMAP | ok | BAS | Enter a new section, which defines the new settings of the paper tray switch commands. |
TRAY1 | ok | - | New setting of a paper tray number (= PCL sequence number) out of the tray all paper has to be drawn, which the software originally selects Esc&l1H (= HP paper tray 1).This key can only be used in a section defined by the TRAYMAP key. Instead of the number you can also use any available text or sequence like media type: \x1B&n4WdPlainThis key can only be used in a section defined by the TRAYMAP key |
TRAY2 | ok | - | Works like the Tray1 key |
TRAY4 | ok | - | Works like the Tray1 key |
TRAY5 | ok | - | Works like the Tray1 key |
TRAY7 | ok | - | Works like the Tray1 key |
TRAY20 | ok | - | Works like the Tray1 key |
TRAY21 | ok | - | Works like the Tray1 key |
TRAY22 | ok | - | Works like the Tray1 key |
TRAY23 | ok | - | Works like the Tray1 key |
TRAY24 | ok | - | Works like the Tray1 key |
TRAY25 | ok | - | Works like the Tray1 key |
TRAY26 | ok | - | Works like the Tray1 key |
OutTrayMap (Change easily the output papertray)
OUTTRAYMAP | ok | BAS | Enter a new section, which defines the new settings of the outtray switch commands. |
OutTRAY1 | ok | - | New setting of a paper tray number (= PCL sequence number) from the tray all paper has to be sent to, which the software originally selects Esc&l1G (= HP outtray 1).This key can only be used in a section defined by the OutTRAYMAP key. Instead of the number you can also use any available text. |
OutTRAY2 | ok | - | Works like the OutTray1 key |
OutTRAY4 | ok | - | Works like the OutTray1 key |
OutTRAY5 | ok | - | Works like the OutTray1 key |
OutTRAY7 | ok | - | Works like the OutTray1 key |
OutTRAY20 | ok | - | Works like the OutTray1 key |
OutTRAY21 | ok | - | Works like the OutTray1 key |
OutTRAY22 | ok | - | Works like the OutTray1 key |
OutTRAY23 | ok | - | Works like the OutTray1 key |
OutTRAY24 | ok | - | Works like the OutTray1 key |
OutTRAY25 | ok | - | Works like the OutTray1 key |
OutTRAY26 | ok | - | Works like the OutTray1 key |
Ricoh Printer usage only Lists all keys for HP printer handling
LJ_Parse_PCL6 | 3) | - | Key only used by HP's ELP Printer firmware extension in DIMM/MFC/USB/SD/Harddisk version to parse also PCL XL / 6 data streams |
LJ_Parse_Postscript | 3) | - | Key only used by HP's ELP Printer firmware extension in DIMM/MFC/USB/SD/Harddisk version to parse also Postscript data streams |
LJ_Mode_TimeOut | 3) | - | Only valid if found in the rule GLOBAL, this key may change the time out behaviour of the printer in printing mode using the parallel port (centronics). Please ask the distributor for details. Especially when not all pages are printed, and the rest of the first job is printed on arrival of the next job, try to solve this problem by setting the keys value to 1. |
LJ_Mode_OverRead_EOF | 3) | - | Can only be turned on in a Searched_... section. Once set, ELP will not exit on a found UEL command. |
Ricoh_BiDiCheckCount | 4) | - | Does IBS not find in the first X bytes (X = 4096 by default), then IBS will automatically switch into the fast Array reading mode. |
PRE_StoreMacrosToFlash | 4) | - | Key is only used by the Ricoh ELP Printer firmware extension. All Prescribe macros etc. are stored into the flash part of a printer running IBS from an SD card device. After power off, all macros etc. are lost! |
Related articles: rule GLOBAL, Rule assistent, Add key to rule, Variables, ELP_Command, ELP key evaluation order in the config file